[ English | Japanese ] [ GFD Dennou Club / deepconv / deepconv Reference Manual ]

Deepconv/arare installation guide

  1. Supported system
  2. Required softwares
  3. Installation
  4. Major files and directories in source tree

Supported system

Deepconv can be compiled and run on following platforms (2009-03-06).

Linux on x86

Mac OS on Intel Mac

Super Computer System

Required softwares

netCDF (version 3.6.x)
For user who builds binary from source archive
For user who builds binary from source archive
For user who builds binary from source archive

Required softwares to build documentation

Documentations of deepconv/arare are written by using LaTex, RD, and RDOC (Ruby Document).

All documentations in source tree are already compiled. If you recompile documentations, following softwares are requaired.

If you use Debian GNU/Linux on x86, followng packages are required:


Download source code.

Download source code by using wget command, and so on.

$ wget http://www.gfd-dennou.org/library/deepconv/arare/arare5_current.tgz

Unpack tgz file and go to source tree directory.

$ tar -xzvf arare5_current.tgz
$ cd arare5-YYYYMMDD

Setting of environment variable

Set an environment variable of a compiler.

$ export FC=(compiler name)

Make Mkinclude file

Execute configure script at the top directory of source tree.

$ ./configure \
  --with-netcdf=(netCDF library file) \	
  --with-gtool5=(gtool5 library file) \
  --with-lapack=(LAPACK library file) \
  --with-blas=(BLAS library file) 

If you use MPI, please edit Mkinclude;



Execute "make" command at the top directory of source tree.

$ make 

Compile documentation file

Execute "make doc" at the top directory of source tree to build installation guide, code reference and tutorial.

$ make doc  


Execute "make clean" to remove binary files.

$ make clean

Execute "make doc" at the top directory of source tree to remove installation guide, code reference and tutorial.

$ make clean.doc

All of them and Mkinclude are removed by "make clean.all".

$ make clean.all

Major files and directories in source tree

COPYRIGHT	 Licence file
INSTALL.rd	 This file
Makefile	 Makefile
Mkinclude	 Include file for Makefile (made by configure script)

bin/		 Binary file directory
css/		 CSS file directory
doc/		 Documentation directory
   dai1bu/	 Documentation of physical model 
   dai2bu/	 Documentation of method of discritization
   code_reference/	 Code reference
   tutorial/  Tutorial
include/	 Mod file directory
lib/		 Library file directory
src/		 Source code directory
    Makefile  Makefile
    chemdat/  Setup for chemical data
    dynamics/ Dynamical process
    env/      Setup for initial condition
    io/       Input/Output
    main/     Main program
    physics/  Physical processes
    setup/    Initial setup
    util/     Low level routines
    sample_nml sample of namelist file
scripts/	 Tools for drawing figure and analysis

Deepconv Development Group / GFD Dennou Staff dcstaff@gfd-dennou.org
Last Updated: 2011/12/06, Since: 2005/01/31