*** MESSAGE [dcpam_jupiter_case00] *** NAMELIST group "dcpam_jupiter_grid_nml" is loaded from "dcpam_jupiter_case00_T21L24_0300day.nml". &DCPAM_JUPITER_GRID_NML NMAX=21,IMAX=64,JMAX=32,KMAX=24 / *** MESSAGE [dcpam_jupiter_case00] *** NAMELIST group "dcpam_jupiter_time_nml" is loaded from "dcpam_jupiter_case00_T21L24_0300day.nml". &DCPAM_JUPITER_TIME_NML START_TIME_VALUE=0.000000000000000D+00,START_TIME_UNIT=min ,DELTA_TIME_VALUE=10.00000000000000,DELTA_TIME_UNIT=min ,TOTAL_TIME_VALUE=300.0000000000000,TOTAL_TIME_UNIT=day ,PREDICT_SHOW_INTERVAL_VALUE=30.00000000000000,PREDICT_SHOW_INTERVAL_UNIT=day / *** MESSAGE [dcpam_jupiter_case00] *** NAMELIST group "dcpam_jupiter_geodata_nml" is loaded from "dcpam_jupiter_case00_T21L24_0300day.nml". &DCPAM_JUPITER_GEODATA_NML GEOGRAPHY_DATA_PREPARED=F,GEO_NC=geo.nc ,GEO_VARNAME=Phis / *** MESSAGE [ConstantsCreate] *** NAMELIST file "dcpam_jupiter_case00_T21L24_0300day.nml" is loaded. *** MESSAGE [ConstantsNmlRead] *** NAMELIST group "constants_nml" is loaded from "dcpam_jupiter_case00_T21L24_0300day.nml". &CONSTANTS_NML PI=3.141592653589793,RPLANET=6371000.000000000,OMEGA=7.292000000000000D-05,GRAV=23.10000000000000,CP=11900.92640000000,RAIR=3611.444660000000,EL=2500000.000000000,CPVAP=1810.000000000000,RVAP=461.0000000000000,DH2O=1000.000000000000,EPSV=7.825053200000000,ES0=611.0000000000000,STB=5.669999999999999D-08,FKARM=0.4000000000000000,EFOLDTIME=8640.000000000000,VISORDER=8 / constant= # *** MESSAGE [TimeFilterCreate] *** Loading NAMELIST file "dcpam_jupiter_case00_T21L24_0300day.nml" ... *** WARNING [TimeFilterNmlRead] *** NAMELIST group "timefilter_nml" is not found in "dcpam_jupiter_case00_T21L24_0300day.nml" (iostat=-1). tfilt= # *** MESSAGE [dcpam_jupiter_case00] *** NAMELIST group "dcpam_jupiter_initdata_nml" is loaded from "dcpam_jupiter_case00_T21L24_0300day.nml". &DCPAM_JUPITER_INITDATA_NML INITIAL_DATA_PREPARED=T,INIT_NC=init_T21L24.nc ,INIT_NC_TIME_VARNAME= ,INIT_NC_TIMEB=-6.000000000000000,INIT_NC_TIMEN=0.000000000000000D+00 / *** MESSAGE [HistoryGetDouble1] *** Input init_T21L24.nc@lon *** MESSAGE [HistoryGetDouble1] *** Input init_T21L24.nc@lon_weight *** MESSAGE [HistoryGetDouble1] *** Input init_T21L24.nc@lat *** MESSAGE [HistoryGetDouble1] *** Input init_T21L24.nc@lat_weight *** MESSAGE [HistoryGetDouble1] *** Input init_T21L24.nc@sig *** MESSAGE [HistoryGetDouble1] *** Input init_T21L24.nc@sigm *** MESSAGE [HistoryGetDouble3] *** Input init_T21L24.nc@U *** MESSAGE [HistoryGetDouble3] *** Input init_T21L24.nc@U *** MESSAGE [HistoryGetDouble3] *** Input init_T21L24.nc@V *** MESSAGE [HistoryGetDouble3] *** Input init_T21L24.nc@V *** MESSAGE [HistoryGetDouble3] *** Input init_T21L24.nc@Temp *** MESSAGE [HistoryGetDouble3] *** Input init_T21L24.nc@Temp *** MESSAGE [HistoryGetDouble3] *** Input init_T21L24.nc@QVap *** MESSAGE [HistoryGetDouble3] *** Input init_T21L24.nc@QVap *** MESSAGE [HistoryGetDouble2] *** Input init_T21L24.nc@Ps *** MESSAGE [HistoryGetDouble2] *** Input init_T21L24.nc@Ps *** MESSAGE [dcpam_jupiter_case00] *** Loading NAMELIST file "dcpam_jupiter_case00_T21L24_0300day.nml" ... *** MESSAGE [GTHistNmlRead] *** NAMELIST group "dcpam_jupiter_history_nml" is loaded from "dcpam_jupiter_case00_T21L24_0300day.nml". &DCPAM_JUPITER_HISTORY_NML NAME= ,FILE= ,INTERVAL_VALUE=1.000000,INTERVAL_UNIT=day ,PRECISION=float ,FILEPREFIX= ,AVERAGE=F / *** MESSAGE [GTHistNmlRead] *** NAMELIST group "dcpam_jupiter_history_nml" is loaded from "dcpam_jupiter_case00_T21L24_0300day.nml". &DCPAM_JUPITER_HISTORY_NML NAME=U, V, Vor, Div, Temp, Ps, QVap ,FILE= ,INTERVAL_VALUE=1.000000,INTERVAL_UNIT=day ,PRECISION=float ,FILEPREFIX= ,AVERAGE=F / *** WARNING [GTHistNmlRead] *** NAMELIST group "dcpam_jupiter_history_nml" is not found in "dcpam_jupiter_case00_T21L24_0300day.nml" any more (iostat=-1). *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate1] *** "U.nc" is created (origin=0.00000000E+, interval=1.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate1] *** "V.nc" is created (origin=0.00000000E+, interval=1.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate1] *** "Vor.nc" is created (origin=0.00000000E+, interval=1.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate1] *** "Div.nc" is created (origin=0.00000000E+, interval=1.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate1] *** "Temp.nc" is created (origin=0.00000000E+, interval=1.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate1] *** "QVap.nc" is created (origin=0.00000000E+, interval=1.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate1] *** "Ps.nc" is created (origin=0.00000000E+, interval=1.) *** MESSAGE *** +---- "dcpam_jupiter_case00" output varnames list ----- *** MESSAGE *** | "U" (eastward wind [m s-1] {lon,lat,sig,time}) *** MESSAGE *** | "V" (northward wind [m s-1] {lon,lat,sig,time}) *** MESSAGE *** | "Vor" (vorticity [s-1] {lon,lat,sig,time}) *** MESSAGE *** | "Div" (divergence [s-1] {lon,lat,sig,time}) *** MESSAGE *** | "Temp" (temperature [K] {lon,lat,sig,time}) *** MESSAGE *** | "QVap" (specific humidity [kg kg-1] {lon,lat,sig,time}) *** MESSAGE *** | "Ps" (surface pressure [Pa] {lon,lat,time}) *** MESSAGE *** `---------------------------------------- gthstnml_history= # # > # > # > # > # @vars= # > # > # @var_avr_count=-1, -1, -1 @time_bnds=0.D+00, 0.D+00, @time_bnds_output_count=0 @var_avr_data= # # # > # > # > # > # > # @vars= # > # > # @var_avr_count=-1, -1, -1 @time_bnds=0.D+00, 0.D+00, @time_bnds_output_count=0 @var_avr_data= # # # > # > # > # > # > # @vars= # > # > # @var_avr_count=-1, -1, -1 @time_bnds=0.D+00, 0.D+00, @time_bnds_output_count=0 @var_avr_data= # # # > # > # > # > # > # @vars= # > # > # @var_avr_count=-1, -1, -1 @time_bnds=0.D+00, 0.D+00, @time_bnds_output_count=0 @var_avr_data= # # # > # > # > # > # > # @vars= # > # > # @var_avr_count=-1, -1, -1 @time_bnds=0.D+00, 0.D+00, @time_bnds_output_count=0 @var_avr_data= # # # > # > # > # > # > # @vars= # > # > # @var_avr_count=-1, -1, -1 @time_bnds=0.D+00, 0.D+00, @time_bnds_output_count=0 @var_avr_data= # # # > # > # > # > # > # @vars= # > # > # @var_avr_count=-1, -1, -1 @time_bnds=0.D+00, 0.D+00, @time_bnds_output_count=0 @var_avr_data= # # # > > > *** MESSAGE [dcpam_jupiter_case00] *** NAMELIST group "dcpam_jupiter_restart_nml" is loaded from "dcpam_jupiter_case00_T21L24_0300day.nml". &DCPAM_JUPITER_RESTART_NML RESTART_INTERVAL_VALUE=14400.00,RESTART_INTERVAL_UNIT=min ,RESTART_FILENAME=dcpam_jupiter_restart.nc / *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate1] *** "dcpam_jupiter_restart.nc" is created (origin=0.00000000E+, interval=14400.) gthstnml_restart= # # > # > # > # > # @vars= # > # > # # # # # @var_avr_count=-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 @time_bnds=0.D+00, 0.D+00, @time_bnds_output_count=0 @var_avr_data= # # # # # # # > # > # > # > # > # @vars= # > # > # # # # # @var_avr_count=-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 @time_bnds=0.D+00, 0.D+00, @time_bnds_output_count=0 @var_avr_data= # # # # # # # > # > # > # > # > # @vars= # > # > # # # # # @var_avr_count=-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 @time_bnds=0.D+00, 0.D+00, @time_bnds_output_count=0 @var_avr_data= # # # # # # # > # > # > # > # > # @vars= # > # > # # # # # @var_avr_count=-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 @time_bnds=0.D+00, 0.D+00, @time_bnds_output_count=0 @var_avr_data= # # # # # # # > # > # > # > # > # @vars= # > # > # # # # # @var_avr_count=-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 @time_bnds=0.D+00, 0.D+00, @time_bnds_output_count=0 @var_avr_data= # # # # # # # > > > *** MESSAGE [DynSpectralCreate] *** Loading NAMELIST file "dcpam_jupiter_case00_T21L24_0300day.nml" ... *** MESSAGE [DynSpectralNmlRead] *** NAMELIST group "dyn_spectral_nml" is loaded from "dcpam_jupiter_case00_T21L24_0300day.nml". &DYN_SPECTRAL_NML VISORDER=8,EFOLDTIME=10800.00000000000,VISCOUS_EFFECT=T,OPENMP_THREADS=0 / *** MESSAGE [SigmaDataCreate] *** Loading NAMELIST file "dcpam_jupiter_case00_T21L24_0300day.nml" ... *** MESSAGE [SigmaDataNmlRead] *** NAMELIST group "sigma_data_nml" is loaded from "dcpam_jupiter_case00_T21L24_0300day.nml". *** MESSAGE [SigmaDataCreate] *** "r_Sigma" is loaded from "dcpam_jupiter_case00_T21L24_0300day.nml". *** MESSAGE [SigmaDataCreate] *** r_Sigma(0:24) = 1., 0.800000000000000044, 0.633333299999999988, 0.46666669999999999, 0.333333299999999999, 0.266666699999999979, 0.233333299999999993, 0.200000000000000011, 0.166666700000000001, 0.133333299999999988, 0.1 *** MESSAGE [DynAS83Create] *** Loading NAMELIST file "dcpam_jupiter_case00_T21L24_0300day.nml" ... *** WARNING [DynAS83NmlRead] *** NAMELIST group "dyn_as83_nml" is not found in "dcpam_jupiter_case00_T21L24_0300day.nml" (iostat=-1). *** MESSAGE [DynSpAsCreate] *** Loading NAMELIST file "dcpam_jupiter_case00_T21L24_0300day.nml" ... *** MESSAGE [DynSpAsNmlRead] *** NAMELIST group "dcmodel_sample_code_history_nml" is loaded from "dcpam_jupiter_case00_T21L24_0300day.nml". &DYN_SPECTRAL_AS83_HISTORY_NML NAME=SigmaDot, DPiDt ,FILE= ,INTERVAL_VALUE=1.000000,INTERVAL_UNIT=day ,PRECISION=float ,FILEPREFIX= ,AVERAGE=F / *** WARNING [DynSpAsNmlRead] *** NAMELIST group "dcmodel_sample_code_history_nml" is not found in "dcpam_jupiter_case00_T21L24_0300day.nml" any more (iostat=-1). *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate1] *** "SigmaDot.nc" is created (origin=0.00000000E+, interval=1.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate1] *** "DPiDt.nc" is created (origin=0.00000000E+, interval=1.) *** MESSAGE *** +---- "dcmodel_sample_code" module output varnames list ----- *** MESSAGE *** | "SigmaDot" (sigma-vertical velocity [1 s-1] {lon,lat,sigm,time}) *** MESSAGE *** | "DPiDt" (Pi (log Ps) tendency) [Pa s-1] {lon,lat,time}) *** MESSAGE *** `---------------------------------------- dyn_sp_as= # # @r_Sigma=# @z_DelSigma=# @xy_Cori=# @nmo=# @wz_DiffVorDiv=# @wz_DiffTherm=# @w_Phis=# @z_TempAvrXY=# @r_TempAvrXY=# @z_HydroAlpha=# @z_HydroBeta=# @z_TempInpolKappa=# @z_TempInpolA=# @z_TempInpolB=# @z_siMtxG=# @zz_siMtxH=# @zz_siMtxWH=# @zz_siMtxGCt=# # > # # > # > # > # > # @vars= # > # > # @var_avr_count=-1, -1, -1 @time_bnds=0.D+00, 0.D+00, @time_bnds_output_count=0 @var_avr_data= # # # > # > # > # > # > # @vars= # > # > # @var_avr_count=-1, -1, -1 @time_bnds=0.D+00, 0.D+00, @time_bnds_output_count=0 @var_avr_data= # # # > > > > *** MESSAGE [PhyGroundCreate] *** Loading NAMELIST file "dcpam_jupiter_case00_T21L24_0300day.nml" ... *** MESSAGE [PhyGroundNmlRead] *** NAMELIST group "phy_ground_nml" is loaded from "dcpam_jupiter_case00_T21L24_0300day.nml". &PHY_GROUND_NML GROUND_NC=sst_T21.nc ,SURFTEMP_VARNAME=SurfTemp ,SURFALBEDO_VARNAME= ,SURFHUMIDCOEFF_VARNAME= ,SURFROUGHLENGTH_VARNAME= ,SURFHEATCAPACITY_VARNAME= ,GROUNDTEMPFLUX_VARNAME= ,SURFCONDITION_VARNAME= / *** MESSAGE [HistoryGetDouble2] *** Input sst_T21.nc@SurfTemp *** MESSAGE [PhyCoolCreate] *** Loading NAMELIST file "dcpam_jupiter_case00_T21L24_0300day.nml" ... *** WARNING [PhyCoolNmlRead] *** NAMELIST group "phy_cooling_s08_nml" is not found in "dcpam_jupiter_case00_T21L24_0300day.nml" (iostat=-1). *** MESSAGE [PhyCoolNmlRead] *** NAMELIST group "phy_cooling_s08_history_nml" is loaded from "dcpam_jupiter_case00_T21L24_0300day.nml". &PHY_COOLING_S08_HISTORY_NML NAME=DTempDtCooling ,FILE= ,INTERVAL_VALUE=1.000000,INTERVAL_UNIT=day ,PRECISION=float ,FILEPREFIX= ,AVERAGE=F / *** WARNING [PhyCoolNmlRead] *** NAMELIST group "phy_cooling_s08_history_nml" is not found in "dcpam_jupiter_case00_T21L24_0300day.nml" any more (iostat=-1). *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate1] *** "DTempDtCooling.nc" is created (origin=0.00000000E+, interval=1.) *** MESSAGE *** +---- "phy_cooling_s08" module output varnames list ----- *** MESSAGE *** | "DTempDtCooling" (temperature tendency by effect of radiation cooling like Jovian atmoshere [K s-1] {lon,lat,sig,time}) *** MESSAGE *** `---------------------------------------- *** MESSAGE [PhySpoLayCreate] *** Loading NAMELIST file "dcpam_jupiter_case00_T21L24_0300day.nml" ... *** WARNING [PhySpoLayNmlRead] *** NAMELIST group "phy_sponge_layer_nml" is not found in "dcpam_jupiter_case00_T21L24_0300day.nml" (iostat=-1). *** MESSAGE [PhySpoLayNmlRead] *** NAMELIST group "phy_sponge_layer_history_nml" is loaded from "dcpam_jupiter_case00_T21L24_0300day.nml". &PHY_SPONGE_LAYER_HISTORY_NML NAME=DUDtSpoDamping, DVDtSpoDamping ,FILE= ,INTERVAL_VALUE=1.000000,INTERVAL_UNIT=day ,PRECISION=float ,FILEPREFIX= ,AVERAGE=F / *** WARNING [PhySpoLayNmlRead] *** NAMELIST group "phy_sponge_layer_history_nml" is not found in "dcpam_jupiter_case00_T21L24_0300day.nml" any more (iostat=-1). *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate1] *** "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" is created (origin=0.00000000E+, interval=1.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate1] *** "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" is created (origin=0.00000000E+, interval=1.) *** MESSAGE *** +---- "phy_sponge_layer" module output varnames list ----- *** MESSAGE *** | "DUDtSpoDamping" (zonal wind tendency by damping in sponge layer [m s-2] {lon,lat,sig,time}) *** MESSAGE *** | "DVDtSpoDamping" (meridional wind tendency by damping in sponge layer [m s-2] {lon,lat,sig,time}) *** MESSAGE *** `---------------------------------------- *** MESSAGE [PhyAdjFixCreate] *** Loading NAMELIST file "dcpam_jupiter_case00_T21L24_0300day.nml" ... *** WARNING [PhyAdjFixNmlRead] *** NAMELIST group "phy_adjust_fixed_nml" is not found in "dcpam_jupiter_case00_T21L24_0300day.nml" (iostat=-1). *** MESSAGE [PhyAdjFixNmlRead] *** NAMELIST group "phy_adjust_fixed_history_nml" is loaded from "dcpam_jupiter_case00_T21L24_0300day.nml". &PHY_ADJUST_FIXED_HISTORY_NML NAME=DTempDtFixed, DQVapDtFixed ,FILE= ,INTERVAL_VALUE=1.000000,INTERVAL_UNIT=day ,PRECISION=float ,FILEPREFIX= ,AVERAGE=F / *** WARNING [PhyAdjFixNmlRead] *** NAMELIST group "phy_adjust_fixed_history_nml" is not found in "dcpam_jupiter_case00_T21L24_0300day.nml" any more (iostat=-1). *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate1] *** "DTempDtFixed.nc" is created (origin=0.00000000E+, interval=1.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate1] *** "DQVapDtFixed.nc" is created (origin=0.00000000E+, interval=1.) *** MESSAGE *** +---- "phy_adjust_fixed" module output varnames list ----- *** MESSAGE *** | "DTempDtFixed" (temperature tendency by adjustment to fixed value [K s-1] {lon,lat,sig,time}) *** MESSAGE *** | "DQVapDtFixed" (specific humidity tendency by adjustment to fixed value [kg kg-1 s-1] {lon,lat,sig,time}) *** MESSAGE *** `---------------------------------------- *** MESSAGE [PhyJpCreate] *** Loading NAMELIST file "dcpam_jupiter_case00_T21L24_0300day.nml" ... *** MESSAGE [PhyJpNmlRead] *** NAMELIST group "phy_jupiter_case00_history_nml" is loaded from "dcpam_jupiter_case00_T21L24_0300day.nml". &PHY_JUPITER_CASE00_HISTORY_NML NAME=Rain, CumulusRain, LscRain, DNegQVapDt, DCumLscTempDt, DCumLscQVapDt, DCumulusTempDt, DLscTempDt, DCumulusQVapDt, DLscQVapDt ,FILE= ,INTERVAL_VALUE=1.000000,INTERVAL_UNIT=day ,PRECISION=float ,FILEPREFIX= ,AVERAGE=F / *** MESSAGE [PhyJpNmlRead] *** NAMELIST group "phy_jupiter_case00_history_nml" is loaded from "dcpam_jupiter_case00_T21L24_0300day.nml". &PHY_JUPITER_CASE00_HISTORY_NML NAME=UFluxJp, VFluxJp, TempFluxJp, QVapFluxJp, RadLFluxJp, RadSFlux, DTempDtRadL, DTempDtRadS ,FILE= ,INTERVAL_VALUE=1.000000,INTERVAL_UNIT=day ,PRECISION=float ,FILEPREFIX= ,AVERAGE=F / *** MESSAGE [PhyJpNmlRead] *** NAMELIST group "phy_jupiter_case00_history_nml" is loaded from "dcpam_jupiter_case00_T21L24_0300day.nml". &PHY_JUPITER_CASE00_HISTORY_NML NAME=DUDtJp, DVDtJp, DTempDtJp, DQVapDtJp, DTempDtDryConv, DPsDt ,FILE= ,INTERVAL_VALUE=1.000000,INTERVAL_UNIT=day ,PRECISION=float ,FILEPREFIX= ,AVERAGE=F / *** WARNING [PhyJpNmlRead] *** NAMELIST group "phy_jupiter_case00_history_nml" is not found in "dcpam_jupiter_case00_T21L24_0300day.nml" any more (iostat=-1). *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate1] *** "UFluxJp.nc" is created (origin=0.00000000E+, interval=1.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate1] *** "VFluxJp.nc" is created (origin=0.00000000E+, interval=1.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate1] *** "TempFluxJp.nc" is created (origin=0.00000000E+, interval=1.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate1] *** "QVapFluxJp.nc" is created (origin=0.00000000E+, interval=1.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate1] *** "RadLFluxJp.nc" is created (origin=0.00000000E+, interval=1.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate1] *** "RadSFlux.nc" is created (origin=0.00000000E+, interval=1.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate1] *** "DTempDtRadL.nc" is created (origin=0.00000000E+, interval=1.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate1] *** "DTempDtRadS.nc" is created (origin=0.00000000E+, interval=1.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate1] *** "DUDtJp.nc" is created (origin=0.00000000E+, interval=1.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate1] *** "DVDtJp.nc" is created (origin=0.00000000E+, interval=1.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate1] *** "DTempDtJp.nc" is created (origin=0.00000000E+, interval=1.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate1] *** "DQVapDtJp.nc" is created (origin=0.00000000E+, interval=1.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate1] *** "Rain.nc" is created (origin=0.00000000E+, interval=1.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate1] *** "CumulusRain.nc" is created (origin=0.00000000E+, interval=1.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate1] *** "LscRain.nc" is created (origin=0.00000000E+, interval=1.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate1] *** "DNegQVapDt.nc" is created (origin=0.00000000E+, interval=1.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate1] *** "DCumLscTempDt.nc" is created (origin=0.00000000E+, interval=1.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate1] *** "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" is created (origin=0.00000000E+, interval=1.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate1] *** "DCumulusTempDt.nc" is created (origin=0.00000000E+, interval=1.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate1] *** "DLscTempDt.nc" is created (origin=0.00000000E+, interval=1.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate1] *** "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" is created (origin=0.00000000E+, interval=1.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate1] *** "DLscQVapDt.nc" is created (origin=0.00000000E+, interval=1.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate1] *** "DTempDtDryConv.nc" is created (origin=0.00000000E+, interval=1.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryCreate1] *** "DPsDt.nc" is created (origin=0.00000000E+, interval=1.) *** MESSAGE *** +---- "phy_jupiter_case00" module output varnames list ----- *** MESSAGE *** | "UFluxJp" (surface stress(x) [N m-2] {lon,lat,sigm,time}) *** MESSAGE *** | "VFluxJp" (surface stress(y) [N m-2] {lon,lat,sigm,time}) *** MESSAGE *** | "TempFluxJp" (sensible heat flux [W m-2] {lon,lat,sigm,time}) *** MESSAGE *** | "QVapFluxJp" (latent heat flux [W m-2] {lon,lat,sigm,time}) *** MESSAGE *** | "RadLFluxJp" (longwave flux [W m-2] {lon,lat,sigm,time}) *** MESSAGE *** | "RadSFlux" (shortwave flux [W m-2] {lon,lat,sigm,time}) *** MESSAGE *** | "DTempDtRadL" (longwave heating [K s-1] {lon,lat,sig,time}) *** MESSAGE *** | "DTempDtRadS" (shortwave heating [K s-1] {lon,lat,sig,time}) *** MESSAGE *** | "DUDtJp" (diffusive force(x) [m s-2] {lon,lat,sig,time}) *** MESSAGE *** | "DVDtJp" (diffusive force(y) [m s-2] {lon,lat,sig,time}) *** MESSAGE *** | "DTempDtJp" (diffusive heating [K s-1] {lon,lat,sig,time}) *** MESSAGE *** | "DQVapDtJp" (diffusive moistening [kg kg-1 s-1] {lon,lat,sig,time}) *** MESSAGE *** | "Rain" (precipitation [W m-2] {lon,lat,time}) *** MESSAGE *** | "CumulusRain" (precipitation by cumulus scheme [W m-2] {lon,lat,time}) *** MESSAGE *** | "LscRain" (precipitation by large scale condensation [W m-2] {lon,lat,time}) *** MESSAGE *** | "DNegQVapDt" (removed negative moist [s-1] {lon,lat,sig,time}) *** MESSAGE *** | "DCumLscTempDt" (cumulus and large-scale condensation heating [K s-1] {lon,lat,sig,time}) *** MESSAGE *** | "DCumLscQVapDt" (cumulus and large-scale condensation moistening [kg kg-1 s-1] {lon,lat,sig,time}) *** MESSAGE *** | "DCumulusTempDt" (cumulus condensation heating [K s-1] {lon,lat,sig,time}) *** MESSAGE *** | "DLscTempDt" (large-scale condensation heating [K s-1] {lon,lat,sig,time}) *** MESSAGE *** | "DCumulusQVapDt" (cumulus condensation moistening [kg kg-1 s-1] {lon,lat,sig,time}) *** MESSAGE *** | "DLscQVapDt" (large-scale condensation moistening [kg kg-1 s-1] {lon,lat,sig,time}) *** MESSAGE *** | "DTempDtDryConv" (temperature tendency by dry convective adjustment [K s-1] {lon,lat,sig,time}) *** MESSAGE *** | "DPsDt" (surface pressure tendency for removal of negative moisture [Pa s-1] {lon,lat,time}) *** MESSAGE *** `---------------------------------------- phy= # @x_Lon_Weight=# @y_Lat=# @y_Lat_Weight=# @z_Sigma=# @r_Sigma=# @z_DelSigma=# # @SurfAlbedo_varname= @xy_SurfAlbedo=# @SurfHumidCoeff_varname= @xy_SurfHumidCoeff=# @SurfRoughLength_varname= @xy_SurfRoughLength=# @SurfHeatCapacity_varname= @xy_SurfHeatCapacity=# @GroundTempFlux_varname= @xy_GroundTempFlux=# @SurfCondition_varname= @xy_SurfCondition=# > # @r_Sigma=# @z_DelSigma=# @r_DelSigma=# @z_TempInpolM=# @z_TempInpol=# > # @y_Lat=# @z_Sigma=# @gthstnml= # # > # > # > # @vars= # > # > # > # @var_avr_count=-1, -1, -1, -1 @time_bnds=0.D+00, 0.D+00, @time_bnds_output_count=0 @var_avr_data= # # # # > > > > # @xy_SurfCondition=# @xy_GroundTempFlux=# > # # @y_Lat=# @z_Sigma=# # @y_Lat_Weight=# > @gthstnml= # # > # > # > # @vars= # > # > # > # @var_avr_count=-1, -1, -1, -1 @time_bnds=0.D+00, 0.D+00, @time_bnds_output_count=0 @var_avr_data= # # # # > # > # > # > # @vars= # > # > # > # @var_avr_count=-1, -1, -1, -1 @time_bnds=0.D+00, 0.D+00, @time_bnds_output_count=0 @var_avr_data= # # # # > > > > # @RUniv=8.31400000000000006 @LatHeat=43655. @P0=140000000000. > # # @y_Lat_Weight=# > > # # @xyz_QVapFixed=# @x_Lon=# @y_Lat=# @z_Sigma=# @gthstnml= # # > # > # > # @vars= # > # > # > # @var_avr_count=-1, -1, -1, -1 @time_bnds=0.D+00, 0.D+00, @time_bnds_output_count=0 @var_avr_data= # # # # > # > # > # > # @vars= # > # > # > # @var_avr_count=-1, -1, -1, -1 @time_bnds=0.D+00, 0.D+00, @time_bnds_output_count=0 @var_avr_data= # # # # > > > > @gthstnml= # # > # > # > # > # @vars= # > # > # > # @var_avr_count=-1, -1, -1, -1 @time_bnds=0.D+00, 0.D+00, @time_bnds_output_count=0 @var_avr_data= # # # # > # > # > # > # > # @vars= # > # > # > # @var_avr_count=-1, -1, -1, -1 @time_bnds=0.D+00, 0.D+00, @time_bnds_output_count=0 @var_avr_data= # # # # > # > # > # > # > # @vars= # > # > # > # @var_avr_count=-1, -1, -1, -1 @time_bnds=0.D+00, 0.D+00, @time_bnds_output_count=0 @var_avr_data= # # # # > # > # > # > # > # @vars= # > # > # > # @var_avr_count=-1, -1, -1, -1 @time_bnds=0.D+00, 0.D+00, @time_bnds_output_count=0 @var_avr_data= # # # # > # > # > # > # > # @vars= # > # > # > # @var_avr_count=-1, -1, -1, -1 @time_bnds=0.D+00, 0.D+00, @time_bnds_output_count=0 @var_avr_data= # # # # > # > # > # > # > # @vars= # > # > # > # @var_avr_count=-1, -1, -1, -1 @time_bnds=0.D+00, 0.D+00, @time_bnds_output_count=0 @var_avr_data= # # # # > # > # > # > # > # @vars= # > # > # > # @var_avr_count=-1, -1, -1, -1 @time_bnds=0.D+00, 0.D+00, @time_bnds_output_count=0 @var_avr_data= # # # # > # > # > # > # > # @vars= # > # > # > # @var_avr_count=-1, -1, -1, -1 @time_bnds=0.D+00, 0.D+00, @time_bnds_output_count=0 @var_avr_data= # # # # > # > # > # > # > # @vars= # > # > # > # @var_avr_count=-1, -1, -1, -1 @time_bnds=0.D+00, 0.D+00, @time_bnds_output_count=0 @var_avr_data= # # # # > # > # > # > # > # @vars= # > # > # > # @var_avr_count=-1, -1, -1, -1 @time_bnds=0.D+00, 0.D+00, @time_bnds_output_count=0 @var_avr_data= # # # # > # > # > # > # > # @vars= # > # > # > # @var_avr_count=-1, -1, -1, -1 @time_bnds=0.D+00, 0.D+00, @time_bnds_output_count=0 @var_avr_data= # # # # > # > # > # > # > # @vars= # > # > # > # @var_avr_count=-1, -1, -1, -1 @time_bnds=0.D+00, 0.D+00, @time_bnds_output_count=0 @var_avr_data= # # # # > # > # > # > # > # @vars= # > # > # > # @var_avr_count=-1, -1, -1, -1 @time_bnds=0.D+00, 0.D+00, @time_bnds_output_count=0 @var_avr_data= # # # # > # > # > # > # > # @vars= # > # > # > # @var_avr_count=-1, -1, -1, -1 @time_bnds=0.D+00, 0.D+00, @time_bnds_output_count=0 @var_avr_data= # # # # > # > # > # > # > # @vars= # > # > # > # @var_avr_count=-1, -1, -1, -1 @time_bnds=0.D+00, 0.D+00, @time_bnds_output_count=0 @var_avr_data= # # # # > # > # > # > # > # @vars= # > # > # > # @var_avr_count=-1, -1, -1, -1 @time_bnds=0.D+00, 0.D+00, @time_bnds_output_count=0 @var_avr_data= # # # # > # > # > # > # > # @vars= # > # > # > # @var_avr_count=-1, -1, -1, -1 @time_bnds=0.D+00, 0.D+00, @time_bnds_output_count=0 @var_avr_data= # # # # > # > # > # > # > # @vars= # > # > # > # @var_avr_count=-1, -1, -1, -1 @time_bnds=0.D+00, 0.D+00, @time_bnds_output_count=0 @var_avr_data= # # # # > # > # > # > # > # @vars= # > # > # > # @var_avr_count=-1, -1, -1, -1 @time_bnds=0.D+00, 0.D+00, @time_bnds_output_count=0 @var_avr_data= # # # # > # > # > # > # > # @vars= # > # > # > # @var_avr_count=-1, -1, -1, -1 @time_bnds=0.D+00, 0.D+00, @time_bnds_output_count=0 @var_avr_data= # # # # > # > # > # > # > # @vars= # > # > # > # @var_avr_count=-1, -1, -1, -1 @time_bnds=0.D+00, 0.D+00, @time_bnds_output_count=0 @var_avr_data= # # # # > # > # > # > # > # @vars= # > # > # > # @var_avr_count=-1, -1, -1, -1 @time_bnds=0.D+00, 0.D+00, @time_bnds_output_count=0 @var_avr_data= # # # # > # > # > # > # > # @vars= # > # > # > # @var_avr_count=-1, -1, -1, -1 @time_bnds=0.D+00, 0.D+00, @time_bnds_output_count=0 @var_avr_data= # # # # > # > # > # > # > # @vars= # > # > # > # @var_avr_count=-1, -1, -1, -1 @time_bnds=0.D+00, 0.D+00, @time_bnds_output_count=0 @var_avr_data= # # # # > > > > *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=0.00000000E+) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=0.00000000E+) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=0.00000000E+) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=0.00000000E+) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=0.00000000E+) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=0.00000000E+) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=0.00000000E+) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=0.00000000E+) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=0.00000000E+) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=0.00000000E+) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=0.00000000E+) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=0.00000000E+) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=0.00000000E+) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=0.00000000E+) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=0.00000000E+) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=0.00000000E+) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=0.00000000E+) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=0.00000000E+) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=0.00000000E+) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=0.00000000E+) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=0.00000000E+) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=0.00000000E+) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=0.00000000E+) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=0.00000000E+) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=0.00000000E+) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=0.00000000E+) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=0.00000000E+) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=0.00000000E+) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=0.00000000E+) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=0.00000000E+) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=0.00000000E+) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=0.00000000E+) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=0.00000000E+) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=0.00000000E+) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=0.00000000E+) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=0.00000000E+) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=0.00000000E+) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=0.00000000E+) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=1.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=1.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=1.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=1.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=1.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=1.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=1.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=1.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=1.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=1.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=1.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=1.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=1.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=1.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=1.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=1.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=1.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=1.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=1.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=1.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=1.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=1.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=1.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=1.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=1.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=1.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=1.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=1.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=1.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=1.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=1.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=1.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=1.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=1.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=1.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=1.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=1.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=1.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=2.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=2.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=2.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=2.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=2.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=2.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=2.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=2.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=2.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=2.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=2.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=2.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=2.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=2.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=2.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=2.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=2.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=2.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=2.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=2.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=2.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=2.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=2.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=2.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=2.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=2.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=2.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=2.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=2.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=2.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=2.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=2.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=2.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=2.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=2.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=2.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=2.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=2.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=3.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=3.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=3.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=3.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=3.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=3.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=3.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=3.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=3.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=3.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=3.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=3.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=3.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=3.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=3.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=3.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=3.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=3.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=3.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=3.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=3.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=3.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=3.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=3.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=3.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=3.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=3.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=3.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=3.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=3.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=3.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=3.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=3.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=3.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=3.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=3.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=3.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=3.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=4.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=4.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=4.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=4.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=4.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=4.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=4.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=4.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=4.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=4.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=4.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=4.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=4.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=4.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=4.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=4.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=4.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=4.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=4.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=4.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=4.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=4.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=4.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=4.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=4.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=4.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=4.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=4.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=4.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=4.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=4.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=4.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=4.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=4.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=4.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=4.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=4.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=4.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=5.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=5.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=5.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=5.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=5.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=5.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=5.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=5.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=5.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=5.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=5.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=5.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=5.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=5.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=5.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=5.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=5.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=5.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=5.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=5.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=5.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=5.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=5.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=5.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=5.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=5.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=5.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=5.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=5.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=5.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=5.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=5.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=5.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=5.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=5.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=5.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=5.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=5.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=6.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=6.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=6.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=6.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=6.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=6.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=6.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=6.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=6.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=6.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=6.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=6.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=6.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=6.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=6.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=6.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=6.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=6.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=6.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=6.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=6.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=6.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=6.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=6.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=6.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=6.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=6.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=6.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=6.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=6.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=6.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=6.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=6.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=6.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=6.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=6.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=6.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=6.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=7.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=7.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=7.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=7.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=7.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=7.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=7.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=7.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=7.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=7.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=7.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=7.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=7.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=7.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=7.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=7.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=7.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=7.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=7.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=7.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=7.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=7.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=7.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=7.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=7.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=7.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=7.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=7.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=7.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=7.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=7.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=7.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=7.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=7.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=7.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=7.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=7.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=7.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=8.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=8.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=8.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=8.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=8.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=8.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=8.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=8.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=8.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=8.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=8.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=8.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=8.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=8.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=8.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=8.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=8.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=8.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=8.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=8.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=8.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=8.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=8.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=8.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=8.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=8.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=8.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=8.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=8.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=8.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=8.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=8.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=8.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=8.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=8.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=8.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=8.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=8.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=9.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=9.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=9.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=9.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=9.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=9.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=9.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=9.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=9.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=9.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=9.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=9.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=9.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=9.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=9.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=9.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=9.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=9.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=9.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=9.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=9.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=9.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=9.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=9.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=9.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=9.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=9.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=9.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=9.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=9.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=9.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=9.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=9.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=9.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=9.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=9.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=9.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=9.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=10.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=10.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=10.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=10.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=10.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=10.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=10.) *** MESSAGE [dcpam_jupiter_case00] *** Restart data => "dcpam_jupiter_restart.nc" (time=14390., 14400. min) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=10.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=10.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=10.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=10.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=10.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=10.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=10.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=10.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=10.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=10.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=10.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=10.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=10.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=10.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=10.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=10.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=10.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=10.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=10.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=10.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=10.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=10.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=10.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=10.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=10.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=10.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=10.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=10.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=10.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=10.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=10.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=11.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=11.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=11.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=11.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=11.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=11.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=11.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=11.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=11.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=11.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=11.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=11.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=11.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=11.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=11.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=11.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=11.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=11.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=11.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=11.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=11.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=11.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=11.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=11.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=11.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=11.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=11.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=11.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=11.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=11.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=11.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=11.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=11.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=11.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=11.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=11.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=11.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=11.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=12.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=12.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=12.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=12.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=12.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=12.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=12.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=12.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=12.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=12.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=12.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=12.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=12.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=12.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=12.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=12.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=12.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=12.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=12.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=12.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=12.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=12.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=12.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=12.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=12.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=12.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=12.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=12.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=12.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=12.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=12.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=12.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=12.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=12.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=12.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=12.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=12.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=12.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=13.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=13.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=13.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=13.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=13.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=13.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=13.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=13.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=13.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=13.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=13.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=13.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=13.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=13.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=13.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=13.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=13.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=13.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=13.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=13.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=13.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=13.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=13.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=13.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=13.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=13.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=13.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=13.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=13.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=13.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=13.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=13.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=13.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=13.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=13.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=13.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=13.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=13.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=14.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=14.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=14.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=14.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=14.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=14.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=14.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=14.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=14.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=14.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=14.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=14.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=14.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=14.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=14.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=14.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=14.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=14.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=14.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=14.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=14.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=14.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=14.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=14.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=14.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=14.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=14.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=14.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=14.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=14.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=14.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=14.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=14.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=14.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=14.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=14.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=14.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=14.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=15.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=15.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=15.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=15.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=15.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=15.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=15.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=15.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=15.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=15.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=15.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=15.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=15.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=15.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=15.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=15.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=15.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=15.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=15.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=15.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=15.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=15.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=15.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=15.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=15.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=15.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=15.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=15.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=15.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=15.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=15.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=15.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=15.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=15.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=15.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=15.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=15.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=15.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=16.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=16.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=16.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=16.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=16.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=16.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=16.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=16.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=16.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=16.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=16.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=16.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=16.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=16.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=16.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=16.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=16.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=16.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=16.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=16.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=16.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=16.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=16.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=16.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=16.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=16.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=16.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=16.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=16.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=16.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=16.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=16.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=16.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=16.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=16.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=16.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=16.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=16.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=17.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=17.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=17.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=17.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=17.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=17.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=17.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=17.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=17.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=17.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=17.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=17.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=17.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=17.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=17.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=17.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=17.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=17.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=17.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=17.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=17.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=17.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=17.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=17.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=17.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=17.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=17.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=17.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=17.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=17.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=17.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=17.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=17.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=17.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=17.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=17.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=17.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=17.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=18.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=18.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=18.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=18.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=18.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=18.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=18.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=18.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=18.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=18.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=18.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=18.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=18.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=18.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=18.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=18.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=18.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=18.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=18.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=18.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=18.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=18.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=18.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=18.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=18.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=18.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=18.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=18.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=18.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=18.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=18.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=18.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=18.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=18.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=18.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=18.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=18.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=18.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=19.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=19.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=19.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=19.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=19.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=19.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=19.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=19.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=19.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=19.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=19.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=19.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=19.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=19.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=19.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=19.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=19.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=19.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=19.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=19.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=19.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=19.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=19.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=19.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=19.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=19.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=19.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=19.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=19.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=19.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=19.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=19.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=19.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=19.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=19.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=19.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=19.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=19.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=20.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=20.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=20.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=20.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=20.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=20.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=20.) *** MESSAGE [dcpam_jupiter_case00] *** Restart data => "dcpam_jupiter_restart.nc" (time=28790., 28800. min) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=20.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=20.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=20.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=20.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=20.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=20.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=20.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=20.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=20.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=20.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=20.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=20.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=20.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=20.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=20.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=20.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=20.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=20.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=20.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=20.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=20.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=20.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=20.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=20.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=20.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=20.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=20.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=20.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=20.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=20.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=20.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=21.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=21.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=21.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=21.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=21.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=21.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=21.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=21.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=21.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=21.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=21.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=21.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=21.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=21.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=21.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=21.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=21.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=21.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=21.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=21.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=21.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=21.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=21.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=21.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=21.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=21.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=21.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=21.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=21.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=21.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=21.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=21.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=21.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=21.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=21.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=21.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=21.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=21.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=22.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=22.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=22.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=22.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=22.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=22.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=22.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=22.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=22.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=22.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=22.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=22.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=22.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=22.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=22.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=22.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=22.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=22.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=22.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=22.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=22.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=22.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=22.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=22.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=22.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=22.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=22.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=22.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=22.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=22.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=22.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=22.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=22.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=22.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=22.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=22.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=22.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=22.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=23.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=23.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=23.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=23.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=23.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=23.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=23.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=23.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=23.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=23.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=23.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=23.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=23.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=23.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=23.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=23.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=23.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=23.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=23.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=23.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=23.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=23.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=23.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=23.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=23.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=23.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=23.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=23.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=23.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=23.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=23.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=23.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=23.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=23.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=23.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=23.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=23.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=23.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=24.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=24.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=24.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=24.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=24.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=24.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=24.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=24.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=24.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=24.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=24.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=24.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=24.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=24.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=24.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=24.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=24.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=24.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=24.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=24.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=24.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=24.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=24.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=24.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=24.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=24.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=24.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=24.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=24.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=24.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=24.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=24.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=24.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=24.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=24.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=24.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=24.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=24.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=25.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=25.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=25.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=25.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=25.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=25.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=25.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=25.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=25.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=25.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=25.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=25.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=25.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=25.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=25.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=25.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=25.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=25.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=25.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=25.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=25.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=25.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=25.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=25.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=25.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=25.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=25.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=25.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=25.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=25.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=25.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=25.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=25.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=25.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=25.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=25.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=25.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=25.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=26.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=26.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=26.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=26.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=26.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=26.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=26.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=26.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=26.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=26.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=26.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=26.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=26.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=26.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=26.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=26.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=26.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=26.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=26.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=26.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=26.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=26.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=26.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=26.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=26.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=26.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=26.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=26.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=26.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=26.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=26.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=26.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=26.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=26.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=26.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=26.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=26.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=26.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=27.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=27.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=27.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=27.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=27.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=27.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=27.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=27.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=27.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=27.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=27.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=27.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=27.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=27.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=27.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=27.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=27.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=27.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=27.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=27.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=27.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=27.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=27.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=27.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=27.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=27.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=27.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=27.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=27.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=27.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=27.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=27.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=27.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=27.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=27.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=27.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=27.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=27.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=28.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=28.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=28.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=28.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=28.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=28.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=28.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=28.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=28.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=28.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=28.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=28.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=28.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=28.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=28.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=28.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=28.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=28.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=28.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=28.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=28.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=28.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=28.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=28.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=28.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=28.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=28.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=28.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=28.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=28.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=28.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=28.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=28.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=28.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=28.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=28.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=28.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=28.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=29.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=29.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=29.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=29.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=29.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=29.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=29.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=29.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=29.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=29.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=29.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=29.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=29.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=29.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=29.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=29.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=29.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=29.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=29.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=29.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=29.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=29.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=29.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=29.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=29.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=29.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=29.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=29.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=29.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=29.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=29.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=29.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=29.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=29.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=29.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=29.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=29.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=29.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=30.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=30.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=30.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=30.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=30.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=30.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=30.) *** MESSAGE [dcpam_jupiter_case00] *** Restart data => "dcpam_jupiter_restart.nc" (time=43190., 43200. min) ########## PREDICTION OF CALCULATION ########### Start Date 2008-06-09T02:06:20-09:00 Current Date 2008-06-09T02:19:45-09:00 Progress 10.00% [** ] Remaining CPU TIME 0.695400E+04 (1.93 hrs.) Completion Date 2008-06-09T04:15:39-09:00 *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=30.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=30.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=30.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=30.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=30.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=30.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=30.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=30.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=30.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=30.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=30.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=30.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=30.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=30.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=30.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=30.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=30.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=30.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=30.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=30.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=30.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=30.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=30.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=30.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=30.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=30.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=30.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=30.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=30.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=30.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=30.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=31.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=31.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=31.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=31.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=31.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=31.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=31.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=31.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=31.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=31.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=31.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=31.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=31.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=31.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=31.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=31.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=31.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=31.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=31.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=31.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=31.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=31.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=31.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=31.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=31.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=31.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=31.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=31.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=31.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=31.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=31.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=31.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=31.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=31.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=31.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=31.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=31.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=31.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=32.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=32.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=32.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=32.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=32.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=32.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=32.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=32.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=32.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=32.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=32.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=32.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=32.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=32.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=32.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=32.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=32.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=32.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=32.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=32.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=32.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=32.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=32.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=32.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=32.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=32.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=32.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=32.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=32.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=32.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=32.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=32.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=32.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=32.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=32.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=32.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=32.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=32.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=33.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=33.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=33.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=33.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=33.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=33.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=33.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=33.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=33.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=33.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=33.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=33.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=33.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=33.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=33.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=33.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=33.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=33.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=33.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=33.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=33.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=33.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=33.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=33.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=33.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=33.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=33.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=33.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=33.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=33.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=33.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=33.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=33.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=33.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=33.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=33.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=33.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=33.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=34.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=34.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=34.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=34.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=34.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=34.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=34.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=34.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=34.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=34.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=34.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=34.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=34.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=34.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=34.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=34.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=34.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=34.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=34.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=34.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=34.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=34.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=34.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=34.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=34.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=34.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=34.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=34.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=34.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=34.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=34.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=34.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=34.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=34.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=34.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=34.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=34.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=34.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=35.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=35.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=35.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=35.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=35.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=35.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=35.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=35.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=35.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=35.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=35.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=35.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=35.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=35.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=35.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=35.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=35.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=35.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=35.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=35.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=35.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=35.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=35.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=35.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=35.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=35.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=35.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=35.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=35.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=35.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=35.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=35.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=35.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=35.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=35.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=35.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=35.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=35.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=36.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=36.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=36.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=36.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=36.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=36.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=36.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=36.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=36.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=36.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=36.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=36.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=36.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=36.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=36.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=36.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=36.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=36.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=36.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=36.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=36.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=36.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=36.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=36.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=36.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=36.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=36.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=36.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=36.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=36.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=36.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=36.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=36.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=36.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=36.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=36.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=36.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=36.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=37.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=37.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=37.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=37.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=37.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=37.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=37.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=37.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=37.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=37.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=37.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=37.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=37.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=37.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=37.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=37.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=37.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=37.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=37.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=37.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=37.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=37.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=37.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=37.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=37.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=37.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=37.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=37.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=37.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=37.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=37.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=37.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=37.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=37.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=37.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=37.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=37.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=37.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=38.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=38.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=38.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=38.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=38.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=38.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=38.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=38.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=38.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=38.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=38.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=38.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=38.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=38.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=38.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=38.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=38.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=38.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=38.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=38.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=38.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=38.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=38.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=38.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=38.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=38.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=38.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=38.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=38.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=38.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=38.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=38.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=38.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=38.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=38.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=38.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=38.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=38.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=39.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=39.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=39.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=39.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=39.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=39.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=39.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=39.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=39.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=39.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=39.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=39.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=39.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=39.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=39.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=39.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=39.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=39.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=39.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=39.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=39.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=39.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=39.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=39.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=39.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=39.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=39.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=39.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=39.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=39.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=39.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=39.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=39.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=39.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=39.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=39.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=39.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=39.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=40.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=40.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=40.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=40.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=40.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=40.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=40.) *** MESSAGE [dcpam_jupiter_case00] *** Restart data => "dcpam_jupiter_restart.nc" (time=57590., 57600. min) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=40.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=40.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=40.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=40.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=40.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=40.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=40.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=40.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=40.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=40.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=40.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=40.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=40.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=40.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=40.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=40.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=40.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=40.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=40.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=40.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=40.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=40.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=40.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=40.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=40.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=40.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=40.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=40.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=40.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=40.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=40.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=41.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=41.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=41.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=41.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=41.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=41.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=41.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=41.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=41.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=41.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=41.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=41.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=41.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=41.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=41.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=41.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=41.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=41.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=41.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=41.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=41.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=41.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=41.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=41.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=41.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=41.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=41.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=41.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=41.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=41.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=41.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=41.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=41.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=41.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=41.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=41.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=41.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=41.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=42.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=42.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=42.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=42.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=42.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=42.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=42.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=42.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=42.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=42.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=42.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=42.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=42.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=42.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=42.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=42.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=42.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=42.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=42.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=42.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=42.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=42.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=42.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=42.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=42.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=42.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=42.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=42.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=42.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=42.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=42.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=42.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=42.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=42.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=42.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=42.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=42.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=42.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=43.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=43.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=43.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=43.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=43.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=43.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=43.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=43.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=43.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=43.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=43.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=43.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=43.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=43.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=43.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=43.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=43.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=43.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=43.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=43.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=43.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=43.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=43.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=43.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=43.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=43.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=43.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=43.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=43.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=43.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=43.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=43.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=43.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=43.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=43.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=43.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=43.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=43.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=44.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=44.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=44.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=44.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=44.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=44.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=44.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=44.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=44.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=44.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=44.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=44.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=44.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=44.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=44.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=44.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=44.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=44.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=44.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=44.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=44.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=44.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=44.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=44.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=44.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=44.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=44.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=44.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=44.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=44.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=44.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=44.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=44.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=44.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=44.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=44.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=44.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=44.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=45.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=45.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=45.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=45.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=45.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=45.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=45.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=45.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=45.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=45.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=45.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=45.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=45.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=45.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=45.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=45.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=45.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=45.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=45.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=45.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=45.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=45.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=45.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=45.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=45.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=45.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=45.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=45.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=45.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=45.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=45.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=45.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=45.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=45.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=45.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=45.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=45.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=45.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=46.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=46.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=46.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=46.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=46.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=46.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=46.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=46.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=46.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=46.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=46.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=46.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=46.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=46.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=46.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=46.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=46.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=46.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=46.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=46.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=46.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=46.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=46.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=46.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=46.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=46.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=46.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=46.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=46.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=46.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=46.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=46.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=46.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=46.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=46.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=46.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=46.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=46.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=47.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=47.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=47.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=47.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=47.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=47.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=47.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=47.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=47.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=47.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=47.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=47.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=47.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=47.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=47.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=47.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=47.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=47.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=47.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=47.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=47.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=47.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=47.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=47.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=47.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=47.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=47.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=47.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=47.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=47.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=47.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=47.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=47.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=47.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=47.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=47.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=47.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=47.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=48.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=48.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=48.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=48.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=48.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=48.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=48.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=48.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=48.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=48.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=48.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=48.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=48.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=48.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=48.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=48.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=48.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=48.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=48.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=48.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=48.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=48.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=48.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=48.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=48.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=48.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=48.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=48.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=48.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=48.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=48.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=48.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=48.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=48.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=48.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=48.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=48.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=48.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=49.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=49.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=49.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=49.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=49.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=49.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=49.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=49.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=49.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=49.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=49.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=49.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=49.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=49.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=49.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=49.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=49.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=49.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=49.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=49.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=49.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=49.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=49.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=49.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=49.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=49.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=49.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=49.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=49.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=49.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=49.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=49.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=49.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=49.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=49.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=49.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=49.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=49.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=50.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=50.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=50.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=50.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=50.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=50.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=50.) *** MESSAGE [dcpam_jupiter_case00] *** Restart data => "dcpam_jupiter_restart.nc" (time=71990., 72000. min) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=50.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=50.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=50.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=50.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=50.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=50.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=50.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=50.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=50.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=50.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=50.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=50.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=50.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=50.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=50.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=50.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=50.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=50.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=50.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=50.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=50.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=50.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=50.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=50.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=50.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=50.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=50.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=50.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=50.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=50.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=50.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=51.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=51.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=51.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=51.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=51.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=51.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=51.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=51.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=51.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=51.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=51.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=51.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=51.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=51.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=51.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=51.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=51.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=51.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=51.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=51.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=51.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=51.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=51.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=51.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=51.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=51.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=51.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=51.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=51.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=51.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=51.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=51.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=51.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=51.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=51.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=51.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=51.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=51.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=52.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=52.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=52.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=52.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=52.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=52.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=52.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=52.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=52.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=52.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=52.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=52.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=52.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=52.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=52.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=52.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=52.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=52.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=52.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=52.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=52.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=52.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=52.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=52.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=52.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=52.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=52.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=52.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=52.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=52.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=52.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=52.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=52.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=52.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=52.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=52.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=52.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=52.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=53.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=53.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=53.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=53.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=53.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=53.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=53.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=53.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=53.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=53.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=53.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=53.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=53.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=53.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=53.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=53.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=53.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=53.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=53.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=53.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=53.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=53.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=53.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=53.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=53.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=53.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=53.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=53.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=53.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=53.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=53.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=53.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=53.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=53.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=53.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=53.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=53.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=53.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=54.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=54.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=54.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=54.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=54.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=54.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=54.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=54.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=54.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=54.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=54.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=54.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=54.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=54.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=54.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=54.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=54.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=54.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=54.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=54.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=54.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=54.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=54.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=54.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=54.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=54.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=54.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=54.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=54.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=54.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=54.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=54.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=54.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=54.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=54.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=54.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=54.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=54.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=55.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=55.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=55.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=55.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=55.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=55.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=55.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=55.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=55.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=55.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=55.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=55.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=55.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=55.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=55.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=55.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=55.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=55.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=55.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=55.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=55.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=55.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=55.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=55.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=55.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=55.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=55.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=55.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=55.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=55.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=55.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=55.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=55.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=55.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=55.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=55.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=55.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=55.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=56.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=56.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=56.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=56.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=56.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=56.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=56.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=56.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=56.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=56.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=56.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=56.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=56.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=56.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=56.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=56.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=56.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=56.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=56.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=56.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=56.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=56.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=56.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=56.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=56.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=56.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=56.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=56.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=56.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=56.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=56.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=56.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=56.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=56.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=56.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=56.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=56.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=56.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=57.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=57.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=57.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=57.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=57.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=57.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=57.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=57.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=57.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=57.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=57.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=57.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=57.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=57.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=57.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=57.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=57.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=57.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=57.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=57.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=57.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=57.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=57.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=57.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=57.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=57.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=57.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=57.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=57.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=57.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=57.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=57.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=57.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=57.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=57.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=57.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=57.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=57.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=58.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=58.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=58.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=58.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=58.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=58.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=58.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=58.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=58.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=58.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=58.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=58.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=58.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=58.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=58.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=58.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=58.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=58.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=58.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=58.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=58.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=58.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=58.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=58.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=58.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=58.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=58.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=58.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=58.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=58.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=58.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=58.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=58.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=58.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=58.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=58.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=58.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=58.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=59.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=59.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=59.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=59.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=59.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=59.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=59.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=59.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=59.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=59.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=59.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=59.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=59.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=59.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=59.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=59.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=59.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=59.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=59.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=59.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=59.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=59.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=59.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=59.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=59.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=59.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=59.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=59.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=59.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=59.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=59.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=59.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=59.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=59.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=59.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=59.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=59.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=59.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=60.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=60.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=60.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=60.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=60.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=60.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=60.) *** MESSAGE [dcpam_jupiter_case00] *** Restart data => "dcpam_jupiter_restart.nc" (time=86390., 86400. min) ########## PREDICTION OF CALCULATION ########### Start Date 2008-06-09T02:06:20-09:00 Current Date 2008-06-09T02:33:48-09:00 Progress 20.00% [***** ] Remaining CPU TIME 0.617600E+04 (1.72 hrs.) Completion Date 2008-06-09T04:16:44-09:00 *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=60.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=60.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=60.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=60.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=60.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=60.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=60.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=60.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=60.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=60.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=60.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=60.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=60.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=60.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=60.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=60.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=60.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=60.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=60.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=60.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=60.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=60.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=60.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=60.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=60.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=60.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=60.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=60.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=60.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=60.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=60.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=61.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=61.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=61.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=61.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=61.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=61.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=61.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=61.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=61.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=61.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=61.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=61.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=61.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=61.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=61.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=61.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=61.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=61.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=61.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=61.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=61.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=61.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=61.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=61.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=61.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=61.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=61.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=61.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=61.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=61.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=61.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=61.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=61.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=61.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=61.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=61.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=61.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=61.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=62.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=62.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=62.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=62.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=62.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=62.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=62.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=62.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=62.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=62.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=62.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=62.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=62.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=62.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=62.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=62.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=62.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=62.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=62.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=62.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=62.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=62.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=62.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=62.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=62.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=62.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=62.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=62.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=62.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=62.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=62.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=62.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=62.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=62.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=62.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=62.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=62.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=62.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=63.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=63.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=63.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=63.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=63.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=63.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=63.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=63.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=63.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=63.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=63.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=63.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=63.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=63.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=63.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=63.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=63.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=63.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=63.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=63.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=63.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=63.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=63.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=63.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=63.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=63.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=63.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=63.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=63.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=63.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=63.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=63.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=63.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=63.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=63.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=63.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=63.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=63.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=64.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=64.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=64.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=64.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=64.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=64.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=64.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=64.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=64.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=64.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=64.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=64.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=64.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=64.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=64.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=64.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=64.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=64.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=64.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=64.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=64.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=64.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=64.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=64.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=64.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=64.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=64.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=64.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=64.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=64.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=64.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=64.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=64.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=64.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=64.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=64.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=64.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=64.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=65.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=65.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=65.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=65.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=65.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=65.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=65.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=65.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=65.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=65.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=65.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=65.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=65.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=65.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=65.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=65.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=65.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=65.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=65.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=65.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=65.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=65.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=65.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=65.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=65.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=65.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=65.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=65.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=65.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=65.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=65.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=65.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=65.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=65.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=65.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=65.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=65.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=65.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=66.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=66.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=66.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=66.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=66.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=66.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=66.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=66.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=66.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=66.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=66.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=66.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=66.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=66.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=66.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=66.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=66.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=66.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=66.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=66.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=66.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=66.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=66.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=66.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=66.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=66.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=66.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=66.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=66.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=66.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=66.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=66.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=66.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=66.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=66.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=66.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=66.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=66.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=67.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=67.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=67.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=67.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=67.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=67.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=67.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=67.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=67.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=67.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=67.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=67.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=67.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=67.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=67.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=67.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=67.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=67.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=67.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=67.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=67.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=67.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=67.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=67.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=67.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=67.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=67.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=67.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=67.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=67.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=67.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=67.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=67.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=67.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=67.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=67.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=67.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=67.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=68.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=68.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=68.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=68.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=68.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=68.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=68.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=68.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=68.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=68.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=68.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=68.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=68.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=68.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=68.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=68.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=68.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=68.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=68.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=68.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=68.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=68.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=68.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=68.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=68.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=68.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=68.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=68.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=68.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=68.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=68.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=68.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=68.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=68.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=68.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=68.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=68.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=68.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=69.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=69.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=69.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=69.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=69.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=69.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=69.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=69.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=69.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=69.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=69.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=69.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=69.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=69.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=69.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=69.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=69.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=69.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=69.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=69.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=69.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=69.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=69.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=69.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=69.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=69.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=69.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=69.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=69.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=69.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=69.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=69.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=69.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=69.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=69.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=69.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=69.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=69.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=70.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=70.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=70.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=70.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=70.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=70.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=70.) *** MESSAGE [dcpam_jupiter_case00] *** Restart data => "dcpam_jupiter_restart.nc" (time=100790., 100800. min) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=70.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=70.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=70.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=70.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=70.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=70.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=70.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=70.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=70.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=70.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=70.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=70.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=70.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=70.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=70.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=70.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=70.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=70.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=70.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=70.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=70.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=70.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=70.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=70.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=70.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=70.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=70.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=70.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=70.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=70.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=70.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=71.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=71.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=71.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=71.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=71.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=71.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=71.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=71.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=71.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=71.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=71.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=71.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=71.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=71.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=71.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=71.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=71.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=71.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=71.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=71.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=71.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=71.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=71.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=71.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=71.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=71.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=71.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=71.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=71.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=71.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=71.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=71.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=71.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=71.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=71.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=71.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=71.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=71.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=72.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=72.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=72.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=72.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=72.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=72.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=72.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=72.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=72.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=72.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=72.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=72.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=72.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=72.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=72.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=72.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=72.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=72.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=72.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=72.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=72.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=72.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=72.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=72.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=72.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=72.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=72.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=72.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=72.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=72.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=72.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=72.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=72.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=72.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=72.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=72.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=72.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=72.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=73.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=73.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=73.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=73.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=73.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=73.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=73.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=73.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=73.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=73.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=73.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=73.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=73.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=73.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=73.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=73.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=73.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=73.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=73.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=73.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=73.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=73.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=73.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=73.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=73.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=73.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=73.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=73.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=73.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=73.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=73.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=73.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=73.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=73.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=73.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=73.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=73.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=73.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=74.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=74.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=74.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=74.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=74.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=74.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=74.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=74.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=74.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=74.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=74.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=74.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=74.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=74.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=74.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=74.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=74.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=74.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=74.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=74.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=74.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=74.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=74.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=74.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=74.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=74.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=74.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=74.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=74.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=74.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=74.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=74.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=74.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=74.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=74.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=74.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=74.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=74.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=75.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=75.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=75.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=75.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=75.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=75.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=75.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=75.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=75.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=75.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=75.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=75.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=75.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=75.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=75.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=75.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=75.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=75.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=75.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=75.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=75.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=75.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=75.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=75.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=75.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=75.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=75.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=75.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=75.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=75.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=75.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=75.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=75.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=75.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=75.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=75.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=75.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=75.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=76.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=76.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=76.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=76.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=76.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=76.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=76.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=76.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=76.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=76.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=76.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=76.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=76.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=76.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=76.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=76.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=76.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=76.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=76.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=76.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=76.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=76.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=76.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=76.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=76.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=76.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=76.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=76.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=76.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=76.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=76.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=76.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=76.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=76.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=76.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=76.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=76.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=76.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=77.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=77.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=77.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=77.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=77.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=77.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=77.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=77.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=77.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=77.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=77.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=77.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=77.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=77.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=77.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=77.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=77.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=77.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=77.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=77.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=77.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=77.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=77.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=77.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=77.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=77.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=77.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=77.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=77.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=77.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=77.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=77.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=77.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=77.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=77.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=77.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=77.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=77.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=78.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=78.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=78.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=78.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=78.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=78.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=78.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=78.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=78.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=78.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=78.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=78.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=78.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=78.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=78.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=78.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=78.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=78.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=78.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=78.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=78.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=78.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=78.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=78.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=78.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=78.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=78.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=78.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=78.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=78.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=78.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=78.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=78.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=78.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=78.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=78.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=78.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=78.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=79.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=79.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=79.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=79.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=79.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=79.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=79.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=79.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=79.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=79.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=79.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=79.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=79.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=79.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=79.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=79.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=79.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=79.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=79.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=79.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=79.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=79.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=79.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=79.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=79.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=79.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=79.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=79.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=79.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=79.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=79.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=79.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=79.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=79.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=79.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=79.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=79.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=79.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=80.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=80.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=80.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=80.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=80.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=80.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=80.) *** MESSAGE [dcpam_jupiter_case00] *** Restart data => "dcpam_jupiter_restart.nc" (time=115190., 115200. min) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=80.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=80.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=80.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=80.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=80.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=80.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=80.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=80.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=80.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=80.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=80.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=80.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=80.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=80.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=80.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=80.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=80.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=80.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=80.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=80.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=80.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=80.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=80.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=80.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=80.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=80.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=80.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=80.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=80.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=80.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=80.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=81.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=81.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=81.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=81.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=81.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=81.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=81.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=81.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=81.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=81.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=81.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=81.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=81.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=81.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=81.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=81.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=81.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=81.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=81.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=81.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=81.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=81.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=81.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=81.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=81.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=81.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=81.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=81.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=81.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=81.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=81.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=81.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=81.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=81.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=81.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=81.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=81.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=81.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=82.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=82.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=82.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=82.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=82.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=82.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=82.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=82.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=82.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=82.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=82.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=82.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=82.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=82.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=82.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=82.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=82.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=82.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=82.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=82.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=82.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=82.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=82.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=82.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=82.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=82.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=82.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=82.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=82.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=82.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=82.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=82.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=82.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=82.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=82.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=82.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=82.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=82.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=83.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=83.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=83.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=83.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=83.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=83.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=83.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=83.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=83.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=83.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=83.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=83.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=83.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=83.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=83.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=83.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=83.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=83.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=83.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=83.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=83.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=83.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=83.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=83.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=83.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=83.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=83.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=83.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=83.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=83.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=83.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=83.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=83.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=83.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=83.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=83.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=83.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=83.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=84.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=84.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=84.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=84.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=84.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=84.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=84.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=84.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=84.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=84.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=84.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=84.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=84.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=84.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=84.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=84.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=84.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=84.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=84.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=84.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=84.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=84.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=84.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=84.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=84.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=84.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=84.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=84.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=84.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=84.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=84.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=84.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=84.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=84.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=84.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=84.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=84.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=84.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=85.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=85.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=85.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=85.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=85.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=85.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=85.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=85.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=85.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=85.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=85.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=85.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=85.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=85.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=85.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=85.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=85.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=85.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=85.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=85.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=85.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=85.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=85.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=85.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=85.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=85.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=85.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=85.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=85.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=85.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=85.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=85.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=85.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=85.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=85.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=85.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=85.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=85.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=86.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=86.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=86.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=86.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=86.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=86.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=86.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=86.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=86.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=86.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=86.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=86.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=86.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=86.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=86.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=86.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=86.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=86.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=86.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=86.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=86.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=86.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=86.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=86.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=86.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=86.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=86.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=86.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=86.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=86.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=86.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=86.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=86.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=86.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=86.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=86.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=86.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=86.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=87.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=87.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=87.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=87.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=87.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=87.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=87.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=87.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=87.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=87.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=87.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=87.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=87.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=87.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=87.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=87.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=87.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=87.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=87.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=87.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=87.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=87.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=87.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=87.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=87.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=87.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=87.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=87.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=87.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=87.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=87.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=87.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=87.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=87.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=87.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=87.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=87.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=87.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=88.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=88.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=88.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=88.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=88.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=88.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=88.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=88.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=88.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=88.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=88.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=88.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=88.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=88.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=88.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=88.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=88.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=88.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=88.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=88.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=88.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=88.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=88.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=88.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=88.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=88.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=88.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=88.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=88.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=88.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=88.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=88.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=88.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=88.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=88.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=88.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=88.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=88.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=89.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=89.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=89.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=89.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=89.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=89.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=89.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=89.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=89.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=89.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=89.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=89.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=89.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=89.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=89.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=89.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=89.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=89.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=89.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=89.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=89.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=89.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=89.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=89.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=89.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=89.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=89.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=89.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=89.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=89.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=89.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=89.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=89.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=89.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=89.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=89.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=89.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=89.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=90.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=90.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=90.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=90.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=90.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=90.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=90.) *** MESSAGE [dcpam_jupiter_case00] *** Restart data => "dcpam_jupiter_restart.nc" (time=129590., 129600. min) ########## PREDICTION OF CALCULATION ########### Start Date 2008-06-09T02:06:20-09:00 Current Date 2008-06-09T02:48:07-09:00 Progress 30.00% [******* ] Remaining CPU TIME 0.540200E+04 (1.50 hrs.) Completion Date 2008-06-09T04:18:09-09:00 *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=90.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=90.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=90.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=90.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=90.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=90.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=90.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=90.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=90.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=90.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=90.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=90.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=90.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=90.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=90.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=90.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=90.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=90.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=90.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=90.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=90.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=90.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=90.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=90.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=90.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=90.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=90.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=90.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=90.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=90.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=90.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=91.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=91.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=91.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=91.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=91.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=91.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=91.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=91.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=91.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=91.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=91.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=91.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=91.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=91.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=91.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=91.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=91.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=91.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=91.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=91.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=91.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=91.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=91.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=91.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=91.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=91.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=91.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=91.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=91.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=91.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=91.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=91.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=91.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=91.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=91.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=91.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=91.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=91.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=92.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=92.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=92.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=92.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=92.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=92.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=92.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=92.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=92.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=92.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=92.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=92.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=92.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=92.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=92.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=92.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=92.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=92.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=92.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=92.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=92.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=92.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=92.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=92.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=92.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=92.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=92.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=92.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=92.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=92.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=92.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=92.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=92.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=92.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=92.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=92.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=92.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=92.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=93.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=93.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=93.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=93.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=93.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=93.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=93.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=93.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=93.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=93.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=93.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=93.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=93.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=93.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=93.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=93.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=93.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=93.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=93.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=93.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=93.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=93.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=93.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=93.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=93.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=93.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=93.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=93.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=93.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=93.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=93.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=93.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=93.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=93.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=93.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=93.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=93.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=93.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=94.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=94.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=94.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=94.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=94.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=94.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=94.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=94.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=94.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=94.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=94.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=94.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=94.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=94.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=94.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=94.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=94.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=94.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=94.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=94.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=94.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=94.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=94.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=94.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=94.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=94.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=94.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=94.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=94.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=94.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=94.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=94.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=94.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=94.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=94.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=94.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=94.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=94.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=95.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=95.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=95.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=95.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=95.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=95.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=95.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=95.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=95.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=95.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=95.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=95.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=95.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=95.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=95.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=95.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=95.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=95.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=95.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=95.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=95.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=95.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=95.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=95.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=95.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=95.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=95.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=95.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=95.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=95.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=95.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=95.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=95.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=95.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=95.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=95.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=95.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=95.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=96.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=96.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=96.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=96.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=96.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=96.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=96.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=96.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=96.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=96.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=96.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=96.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=96.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=96.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=96.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=96.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=96.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=96.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=96.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=96.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=96.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=96.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=96.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=96.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=96.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=96.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=96.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=96.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=96.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=96.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=96.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=96.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=96.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=96.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=96.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=96.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=96.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=96.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=97.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=97.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=97.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=97.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=97.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=97.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=97.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=97.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=97.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=97.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=97.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=97.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=97.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=97.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=97.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=97.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=97.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=97.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=97.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=97.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=97.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=97.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=97.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=97.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=97.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=97.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=97.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=97.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=97.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=97.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=97.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=97.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=97.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=97.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=97.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=97.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=97.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=97.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=98.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=98.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=98.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=98.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=98.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=98.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=98.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=98.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=98.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=98.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=98.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=98.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=98.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=98.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=98.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=98.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=98.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=98.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=98.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=98.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=98.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=98.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=98.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=98.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=98.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=98.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=98.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=98.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=98.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=98.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=98.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=98.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=98.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=98.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=98.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=98.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=98.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=98.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=99.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=99.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=99.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=99.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=99.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=99.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=99.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=99.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=99.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=99.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=99.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=99.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=99.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=99.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=99.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=99.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=99.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=99.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=99.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=99.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=99.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=99.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=99.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=99.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=99.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=99.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=99.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=99.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=99.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=99.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=99.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=99.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=99.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=99.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=99.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=99.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=99.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=99.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=100.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=100.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=100.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=100.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=100.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=100.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=100.) *** MESSAGE [dcpam_jupiter_case00] *** Restart data => "dcpam_jupiter_restart.nc" (time=143990., 144000. min) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=100.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=100.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=100.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=100.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=100.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=100.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=100.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=100.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=100.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=100.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=100.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=100.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=100.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=100.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=100.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=100.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=100.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=100.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=100.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=100.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=100.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=100.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=100.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=100.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=100.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=100.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=100.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=100.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=100.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=100.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=100.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=101.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=101.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=101.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=101.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=101.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=101.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=101.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=101.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=101.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=101.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=101.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=101.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=101.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=101.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=101.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=101.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=101.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=101.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=101.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=101.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=101.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=101.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=101.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=101.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=101.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=101.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=101.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=101.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=101.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=101.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=101.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=101.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=101.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=101.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=101.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=101.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=101.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=101.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=102.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=102.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=102.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=102.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=102.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=102.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=102.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=102.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=102.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=102.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=102.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=102.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=102.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=102.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=102.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=102.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=102.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=102.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=102.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=102.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=102.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=102.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=102.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=102.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=102.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=102.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=102.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=102.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=102.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=102.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=102.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=102.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=102.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=102.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=102.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=102.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=102.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=102.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=103.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=103.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=103.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=103.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=103.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=103.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=103.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=103.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=103.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=103.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=103.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=103.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=103.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=103.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=103.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=103.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=103.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=103.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=103.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=103.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=103.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=103.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=103.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=103.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=103.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=103.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=103.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=103.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=103.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=103.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=103.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=103.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=103.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=103.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=103.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=103.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=103.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=103.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=104.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=104.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=104.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=104.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=104.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=104.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=104.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=104.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=104.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=104.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=104.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=104.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=104.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=104.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=104.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=104.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=104.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=104.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=104.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=104.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=104.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=104.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=104.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=104.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=104.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=104.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=104.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=104.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=104.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=104.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=104.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=104.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=104.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=104.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=104.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=104.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=104.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=104.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=105.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=105.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=105.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=105.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=105.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=105.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=105.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=105.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=105.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=105.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=105.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=105.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=105.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=105.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=105.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=105.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=105.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=105.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=105.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=105.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=105.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=105.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=105.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=105.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=105.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=105.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=105.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=105.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=105.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=105.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=105.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=105.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=105.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=105.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=105.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=105.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=105.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=105.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=106.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=106.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=106.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=106.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=106.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=106.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=106.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=106.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=106.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=106.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=106.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=106.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=106.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=106.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=106.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=106.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=106.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=106.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=106.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=106.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=106.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=106.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=106.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=106.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=106.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=106.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=106.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=106.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=106.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=106.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=106.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=106.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=106.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=106.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=106.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=106.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=106.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=106.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=107.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=107.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=107.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=107.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=107.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=107.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=107.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=107.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=107.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=107.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=107.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=107.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=107.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=107.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=107.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=107.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=107.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=107.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=107.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=107.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=107.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=107.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=107.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=107.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=107.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=107.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=107.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=107.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=107.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=107.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=107.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=107.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=107.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=107.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=107.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=107.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=107.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=107.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=108.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=108.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=108.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=108.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=108.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=108.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=108.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=108.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=108.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=108.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=108.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=108.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=108.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=108.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=108.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=108.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=108.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=108.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=108.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=108.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=108.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=108.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=108.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=108.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=108.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=108.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=108.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=108.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=108.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=108.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=108.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=108.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=108.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=108.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=108.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=108.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=108.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=108.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=109.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=109.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=109.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=109.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=109.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=109.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=109.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=109.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=109.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=109.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=109.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=109.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=109.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=109.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=109.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=109.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=109.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=109.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=109.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=109.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=109.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=109.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=109.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=109.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=109.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=109.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=109.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=109.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=109.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=109.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=109.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=109.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=109.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=109.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=109.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=109.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=109.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=109.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=110.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=110.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=110.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=110.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=110.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=110.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=110.) *** MESSAGE [dcpam_jupiter_case00] *** Restart data => "dcpam_jupiter_restart.nc" (time=158390., 158400. min) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=110.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=110.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=110.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=110.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=110.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=110.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=110.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=110.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=110.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=110.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=110.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=110.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=110.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=110.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=110.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=110.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=110.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=110.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=110.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=110.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=110.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=110.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=110.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=110.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=110.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=110.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=110.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=110.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=110.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=110.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=110.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=111.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=111.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=111.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=111.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=111.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=111.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=111.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=111.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=111.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=111.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=111.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=111.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=111.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=111.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=111.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=111.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=111.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=111.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=111.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=111.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=111.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=111.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=111.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=111.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=111.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=111.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=111.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=111.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=111.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=111.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=111.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=111.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=111.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=111.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=111.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=111.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=111.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=111.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=112.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=112.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=112.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=112.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=112.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=112.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=112.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=112.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=112.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=112.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=112.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=112.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=112.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=112.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=112.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=112.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=112.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=112.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=112.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=112.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=112.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=112.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=112.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=112.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=112.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=112.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=112.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=112.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=112.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=112.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=112.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=112.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=112.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=112.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=112.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=112.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=112.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=112.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=113.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=113.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=113.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=113.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=113.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=113.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=113.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=113.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=113.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=113.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=113.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=113.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=113.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=113.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=113.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=113.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=113.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=113.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=113.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=113.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=113.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=113.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=113.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=113.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=113.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=113.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=113.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=113.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=113.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=113.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=113.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=113.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=113.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=113.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=113.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=113.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=113.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=113.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=114.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=114.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=114.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=114.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=114.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=114.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=114.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=114.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=114.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=114.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=114.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=114.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=114.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=114.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=114.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=114.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=114.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=114.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=114.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=114.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=114.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=114.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=114.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=114.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=114.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=114.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=114.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=114.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=114.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=114.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=114.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=114.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=114.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=114.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=114.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=114.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=114.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=114.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=115.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=115.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=115.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=115.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=115.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=115.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=115.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=115.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=115.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=115.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=115.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=115.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=115.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=115.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=115.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=115.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=115.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=115.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=115.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=115.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=115.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=115.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=115.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=115.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=115.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=115.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=115.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=115.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=115.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=115.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=115.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=115.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=115.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=115.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=115.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=115.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=115.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=115.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=116.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=116.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=116.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=116.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=116.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=116.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=116.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=116.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=116.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=116.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=116.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=116.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=116.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=116.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=116.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=116.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=116.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=116.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=116.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=116.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=116.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=116.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=116.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=116.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=116.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=116.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=116.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=116.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=116.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=116.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=116.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=116.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=116.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=116.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=116.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=116.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=116.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=116.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=117.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=117.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=117.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=117.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=117.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=117.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=117.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=117.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=117.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=117.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=117.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=117.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=117.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=117.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=117.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=117.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=117.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=117.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=117.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=117.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=117.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=117.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=117.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=117.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=117.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=117.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=117.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=117.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=117.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=117.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=117.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=117.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=117.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=117.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=117.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=117.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=117.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=117.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=118.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=118.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=118.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=118.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=118.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=118.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=118.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=118.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=118.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=118.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=118.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=118.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=118.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=118.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=118.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=118.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=118.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=118.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=118.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=118.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=118.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=118.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=118.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=118.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=118.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=118.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=118.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=118.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=118.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=118.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=118.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=118.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=118.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=118.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=118.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=118.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=118.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=118.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=119.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=119.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=119.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=119.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=119.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=119.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=119.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=119.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=119.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=119.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=119.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=119.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=119.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=119.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=119.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=119.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=119.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=119.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=119.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=119.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=119.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=119.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=119.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=119.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=119.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=119.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=119.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=119.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=119.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=119.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=119.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=119.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=119.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=119.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=119.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=119.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=119.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=119.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=120.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=120.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=120.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=120.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=120.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=120.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=120.) *** MESSAGE [dcpam_jupiter_case00] *** Restart data => "dcpam_jupiter_restart.nc" (time=172790., 172800. min) ########## PREDICTION OF CALCULATION ########### Start Date 2008-06-09T02:06:20-09:00 Current Date 2008-06-09T03:02:28-09:00 Progress 40.00% [********** ] Remaining CPU TIME 0.462900E+04 (1.29 hrs.) Completion Date 2008-06-09T04:19:37-09:00 *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=120.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=120.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=120.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=120.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=120.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=120.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=120.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=120.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=120.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=120.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=120.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=120.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=120.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=120.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=120.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=120.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=120.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=120.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=120.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=120.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=120.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=120.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=120.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=120.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=120.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=120.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=120.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=120.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=120.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=120.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=120.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=121.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=121.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=121.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=121.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=121.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=121.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=121.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=121.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=121.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=121.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=121.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=121.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=121.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=121.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=121.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=121.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=121.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=121.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=121.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=121.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=121.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=121.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=121.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=121.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=121.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=121.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=121.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=121.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=121.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=121.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=121.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=121.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=121.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=121.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=121.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=121.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=121.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=121.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=122.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=122.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=122.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=122.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=122.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=122.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=122.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=122.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=122.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=122.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=122.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=122.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=122.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=122.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=122.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=122.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=122.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=122.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=122.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=122.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=122.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=122.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=122.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=122.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=122.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=122.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=122.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=122.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=122.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=122.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=122.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=122.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=122.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=122.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=122.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=122.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=122.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=122.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=123.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=123.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=123.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=123.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=123.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=123.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=123.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=123.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=123.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=123.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=123.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=123.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=123.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=123.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=123.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=123.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=123.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=123.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=123.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=123.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=123.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=123.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=123.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=123.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=123.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=123.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=123.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=123.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=123.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=123.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=123.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=123.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=123.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=123.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=123.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=123.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=123.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=123.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=124.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=124.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=124.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=124.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=124.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=124.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=124.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=124.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=124.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=124.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=124.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=124.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=124.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=124.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=124.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=124.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=124.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=124.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=124.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=124.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=124.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=124.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=124.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=124.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=124.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=124.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=124.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=124.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=124.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=124.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=124.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=124.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=124.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=124.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=124.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=124.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=124.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=124.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=125.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=125.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=125.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=125.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=125.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=125.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=125.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=125.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=125.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=125.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=125.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=125.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=125.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=125.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=125.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=125.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=125.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=125.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=125.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=125.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=125.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=125.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=125.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=125.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=125.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=125.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=125.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=125.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=125.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=125.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=125.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=125.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=125.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=125.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=125.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=125.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=125.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=125.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=126.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=126.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=126.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=126.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=126.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=126.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=126.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=126.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=126.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=126.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=126.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=126.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=126.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=126.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=126.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=126.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=126.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=126.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=126.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=126.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=126.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=126.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=126.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=126.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=126.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=126.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=126.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=126.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=126.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=126.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=126.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=126.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=126.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=126.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=126.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=126.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=126.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=126.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=127.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=127.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=127.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=127.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=127.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=127.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=127.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=127.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=127.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=127.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=127.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=127.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=127.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=127.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=127.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=127.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=127.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=127.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=127.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=127.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=127.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=127.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=127.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=127.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=127.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=127.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=127.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=127.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=127.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=127.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=127.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=127.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=127.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=127.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=127.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=127.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=127.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=127.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=128.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=128.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=128.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=128.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=128.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=128.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=128.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=128.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=128.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=128.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=128.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=128.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=128.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=128.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=128.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=128.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=128.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=128.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=128.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=128.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=128.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=128.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=128.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=128.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=128.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=128.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=128.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=128.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=128.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=128.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=128.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=128.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=128.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=128.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=128.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=128.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=128.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=128.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=129.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=129.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=129.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=129.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=129.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=129.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=129.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=129.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=129.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=129.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=129.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=129.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=129.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=129.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=129.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=129.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=129.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=129.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=129.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=129.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=129.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=129.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=129.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=129.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=129.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=129.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=129.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=129.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=129.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=129.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=129.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=129.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=129.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=129.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=129.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=129.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=129.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=129.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=130.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=130.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=130.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=130.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=130.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=130.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=130.) *** MESSAGE [dcpam_jupiter_case00] *** Restart data => "dcpam_jupiter_restart.nc" (time=187190., 187200. min) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=130.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=130.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=130.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=130.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=130.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=130.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=130.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=130.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=130.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=130.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=130.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=130.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=130.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=130.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=130.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=130.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=130.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=130.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=130.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=130.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=130.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=130.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=130.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=130.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=130.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=130.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=130.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=130.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=130.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=130.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=130.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=131.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=131.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=131.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=131.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=131.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=131.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=131.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=131.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=131.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=131.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=131.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=131.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=131.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=131.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=131.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=131.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=131.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=131.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=131.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=131.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=131.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=131.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=131.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=131.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=131.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=131.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=131.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=131.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=131.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=131.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=131.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=131.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=131.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=131.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=131.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=131.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=131.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=131.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=132.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=132.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=132.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=132.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=132.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=132.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=132.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=132.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=132.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=132.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=132.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=132.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=132.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=132.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=132.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=132.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=132.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=132.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=132.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=132.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=132.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=132.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=132.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=132.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=132.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=132.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=132.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=132.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=132.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=132.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=132.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=132.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=132.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=132.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=132.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=132.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=132.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=132.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=133.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=133.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=133.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=133.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=133.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=133.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=133.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=133.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=133.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=133.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=133.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=133.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=133.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=133.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=133.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=133.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=133.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=133.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=133.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=133.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=133.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=133.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=133.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=133.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=133.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=133.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=133.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=133.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=133.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=133.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=133.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=133.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=133.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=133.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=133.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=133.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=133.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=133.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=134.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=134.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=134.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=134.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=134.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=134.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=134.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=134.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=134.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=134.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=134.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=134.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=134.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=134.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=134.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=134.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=134.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=134.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=134.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=134.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=134.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=134.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=134.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=134.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=134.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=134.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=134.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=134.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=134.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=134.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=134.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=134.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=134.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=134.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=134.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=134.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=134.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=134.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=135.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=135.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=135.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=135.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=135.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=135.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=135.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=135.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=135.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=135.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=135.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=135.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=135.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=135.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=135.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=135.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=135.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=135.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=135.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=135.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=135.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=135.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=135.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=135.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=135.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=135.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=135.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=135.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=135.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=135.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=135.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=135.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=135.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=135.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=135.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=135.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=135.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=135.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=136.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=136.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=136.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=136.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=136.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=136.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=136.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=136.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=136.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=136.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=136.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=136.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=136.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=136.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=136.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=136.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=136.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=136.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=136.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=136.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=136.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=136.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=136.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=136.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=136.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=136.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=136.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=136.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=136.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=136.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=136.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=136.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=136.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=136.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=136.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=136.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=136.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=136.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=137.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=137.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=137.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=137.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=137.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=137.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=137.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=137.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=137.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=137.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=137.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=137.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=137.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=137.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=137.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=137.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=137.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=137.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=137.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=137.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=137.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=137.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=137.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=137.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=137.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=137.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=137.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=137.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=137.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=137.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=137.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=137.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=137.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=137.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=137.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=137.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=137.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=137.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=138.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=138.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=138.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=138.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=138.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=138.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=138.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=138.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=138.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=138.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=138.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=138.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=138.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=138.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=138.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=138.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=138.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=138.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=138.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=138.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=138.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=138.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=138.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=138.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=138.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=138.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=138.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=138.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=138.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=138.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=138.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=138.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=138.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=138.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=138.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=138.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=138.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=138.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=139.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=139.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=139.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=139.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=139.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=139.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=139.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=139.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=139.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=139.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=139.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=139.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=139.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=139.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=139.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=139.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=139.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=139.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=139.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=139.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=139.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=139.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=139.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=139.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=139.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=139.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=139.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=139.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=139.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=139.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=139.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=139.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=139.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=139.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=139.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=139.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=139.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=139.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=140.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=140.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=140.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=140.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=140.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=140.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=140.) *** MESSAGE [dcpam_jupiter_case00] *** Restart data => "dcpam_jupiter_restart.nc" (time=201590., 201600. min) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=140.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=140.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=140.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=140.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=140.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=140.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=140.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=140.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=140.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=140.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=140.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=140.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=140.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=140.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=140.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=140.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=140.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=140.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=140.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=140.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=140.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=140.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=140.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=140.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=140.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=140.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=140.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=140.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=140.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=140.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=140.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=141.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=141.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=141.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=141.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=141.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=141.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=141.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=141.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=141.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=141.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=141.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=141.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=141.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=141.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=141.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=141.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=141.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=141.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=141.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=141.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=141.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=141.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=141.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=141.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=141.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=141.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=141.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=141.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=141.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=141.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=141.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=141.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=141.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=141.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=141.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=141.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=141.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=141.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=142.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=142.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=142.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=142.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=142.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=142.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=142.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=142.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=142.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=142.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=142.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=142.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=142.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=142.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=142.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=142.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=142.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=142.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=142.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=142.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=142.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=142.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=142.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=142.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=142.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=142.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=142.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=142.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=142.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=142.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=142.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=142.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=142.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=142.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=142.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=142.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=142.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=142.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=143.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=143.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=143.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=143.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=143.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=143.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=143.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=143.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=143.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=143.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=143.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=143.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=143.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=143.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=143.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=143.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=143.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=143.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=143.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=143.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=143.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=143.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=143.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=143.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=143.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=143.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=143.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=143.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=143.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=143.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=143.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=143.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=143.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=143.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=143.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=143.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=143.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=143.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=144.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=144.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=144.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=144.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=144.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=144.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=144.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=144.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=144.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=144.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=144.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=144.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=144.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=144.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=144.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=144.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=144.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=144.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=144.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=144.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=144.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=144.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=144.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=144.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=144.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=144.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=144.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=144.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=144.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=144.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=144.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=144.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=144.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=144.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=144.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=144.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=144.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=144.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=145.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=145.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=145.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=145.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=145.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=145.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=145.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=145.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=145.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=145.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=145.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=145.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=145.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=145.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=145.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=145.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=145.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=145.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=145.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=145.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=145.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=145.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=145.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=145.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=145.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=145.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=145.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=145.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=145.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=145.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=145.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=145.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=145.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=145.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=145.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=145.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=145.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=145.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=146.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=146.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=146.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=146.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=146.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=146.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=146.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=146.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=146.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=146.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=146.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=146.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=146.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=146.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=146.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=146.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=146.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=146.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=146.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=146.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=146.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=146.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=146.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=146.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=146.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=146.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=146.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=146.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=146.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=146.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=146.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=146.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=146.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=146.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=146.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=146.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=146.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=146.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=147.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=147.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=147.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=147.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=147.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=147.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=147.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=147.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=147.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=147.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=147.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=147.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=147.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=147.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=147.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=147.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=147.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=147.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=147.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=147.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=147.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=147.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=147.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=147.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=147.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=147.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=147.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=147.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=147.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=147.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=147.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=147.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=147.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=147.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=147.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=147.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=147.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=147.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=148.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=148.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=148.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=148.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=148.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=148.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=148.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=148.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=148.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=148.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=148.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=148.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=148.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=148.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=148.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=148.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=148.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=148.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=148.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=148.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=148.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=148.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=148.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=148.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=148.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=148.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=148.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=148.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=148.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=148.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=148.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=148.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=148.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=148.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=148.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=148.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=148.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=148.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=149.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=149.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=149.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=149.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=149.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=149.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=149.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=149.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=149.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=149.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=149.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=149.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=149.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=149.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=149.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=149.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=149.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=149.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=149.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=149.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=149.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=149.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=149.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=149.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=149.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=149.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=149.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=149.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=149.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=149.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=149.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=149.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=149.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=149.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=149.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=149.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=149.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=149.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=150.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=150.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=150.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=150.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=150.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=150.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=150.) *** MESSAGE [dcpam_jupiter_case00] *** Restart data => "dcpam_jupiter_restart.nc" (time=215990., 216000. min) ########## PREDICTION OF CALCULATION ########### Start Date 2008-06-09T02:06:20-09:00 Current Date 2008-06-09T03:16:49-09:00 Progress 50.00% [************ ] Remaining CPU TIME 0.385700E+04 (1.07 hrs.) Completion Date 2008-06-09T04:21:06-09:00 *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=150.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=150.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=150.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=150.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=150.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=150.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=150.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=150.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=150.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=150.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=150.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=150.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=150.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=150.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=150.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=150.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=150.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=150.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=150.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=150.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=150.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=150.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=150.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=150.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=150.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=150.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=150.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=150.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=150.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=150.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=150.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=151.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=151.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=151.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=151.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=151.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=151.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=151.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=151.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=151.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=151.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=151.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=151.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=151.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=151.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=151.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=151.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=151.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=151.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=151.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=151.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=151.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=151.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=151.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=151.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=151.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=151.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=151.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=151.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=151.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=151.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=151.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=151.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=151.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=151.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=151.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=151.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=151.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=151.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=152.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=152.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=152.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=152.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=152.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=152.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=152.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=152.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=152.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=152.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=152.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=152.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=152.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=152.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=152.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=152.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=152.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=152.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=152.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=152.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=152.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=152.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=152.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=152.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=152.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=152.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=152.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=152.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=152.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=152.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=152.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=152.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=152.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=152.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=152.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=152.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=152.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=152.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=153.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=153.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=153.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=153.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=153.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=153.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=153.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=153.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=153.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=153.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=153.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=153.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=153.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=153.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=153.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=153.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=153.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=153.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=153.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=153.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=153.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=153.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=153.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=153.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=153.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=153.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=153.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=153.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=153.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=153.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=153.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=153.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=153.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=153.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=153.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=153.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=153.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=153.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=154.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=154.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=154.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=154.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=154.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=154.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=154.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=154.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=154.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=154.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=154.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=154.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=154.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=154.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=154.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=154.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=154.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=154.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=154.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=154.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=154.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=154.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=154.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=154.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=154.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=154.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=154.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=154.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=154.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=154.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=154.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=154.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=154.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=154.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=154.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=154.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=154.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=154.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=155.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=155.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=155.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=155.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=155.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=155.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=155.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=155.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=155.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=155.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=155.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=155.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=155.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=155.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=155.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=155.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=155.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=155.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=155.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=155.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=155.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=155.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=155.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=155.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=155.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=155.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=155.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=155.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=155.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=155.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=155.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=155.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=155.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=155.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=155.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=155.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=155.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=155.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=156.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=156.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=156.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=156.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=156.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=156.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=156.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=156.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=156.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=156.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=156.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=156.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=156.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=156.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=156.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=156.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=156.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=156.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=156.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=156.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=156.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=156.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=156.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=156.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=156.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=156.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=156.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=156.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=156.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=156.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=156.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=156.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=156.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=156.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=156.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=156.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=156.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=156.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=157.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=157.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=157.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=157.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=157.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=157.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=157.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=157.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=157.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=157.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=157.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=157.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=157.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=157.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=157.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=157.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=157.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=157.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=157.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=157.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=157.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=157.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=157.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=157.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=157.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=157.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=157.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=157.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=157.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=157.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=157.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=157.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=157.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=157.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=157.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=157.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=157.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=157.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=158.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=158.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=158.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=158.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=158.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=158.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=158.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=158.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=158.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=158.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=158.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=158.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=158.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=158.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=158.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=158.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=158.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=158.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=158.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=158.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=158.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=158.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=158.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=158.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=158.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=158.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=158.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=158.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=158.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=158.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=158.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=158.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=158.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=158.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=158.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=158.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=158.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=158.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=159.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=159.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=159.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=159.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=159.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=159.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=159.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=159.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=159.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=159.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=159.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=159.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=159.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=159.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=159.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=159.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=159.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=159.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=159.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=159.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=159.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=159.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=159.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=159.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=159.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=159.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=159.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=159.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=159.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=159.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=159.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=159.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=159.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=159.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=159.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=159.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=159.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=159.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=160.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=160.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=160.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=160.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=160.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=160.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=160.) *** MESSAGE [dcpam_jupiter_case00] *** Restart data => "dcpam_jupiter_restart.nc" (time=230390., 230400. min) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=160.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=160.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=160.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=160.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=160.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=160.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=160.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=160.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=160.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=160.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=160.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=160.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=160.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=160.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=160.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=160.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=160.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=160.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=160.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=160.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=160.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=160.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=160.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=160.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=160.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=160.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=160.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=160.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=160.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=160.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=160.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=161.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=161.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=161.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=161.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=161.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=161.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=161.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=161.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=161.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=161.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=161.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=161.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=161.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=161.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=161.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=161.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=161.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=161.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=161.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=161.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=161.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=161.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=161.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=161.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=161.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=161.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=161.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=161.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=161.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=161.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=161.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=161.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=161.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=161.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=161.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=161.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=161.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=161.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=162.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=162.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=162.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=162.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=162.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=162.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=162.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=162.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=162.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=162.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=162.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=162.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=162.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=162.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=162.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=162.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=162.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=162.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=162.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=162.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=162.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=162.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=162.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=162.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=162.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=162.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=162.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=162.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=162.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=162.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=162.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=162.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=162.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=162.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=162.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=162.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=162.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=162.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=163.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=163.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=163.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=163.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=163.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=163.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=163.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=163.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=163.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=163.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=163.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=163.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=163.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=163.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=163.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=163.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=163.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=163.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=163.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=163.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=163.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=163.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=163.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=163.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=163.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=163.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=163.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=163.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=163.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=163.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=163.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=163.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=163.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=163.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=163.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=163.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=163.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=163.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=164.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=164.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=164.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=164.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=164.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=164.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=164.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=164.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=164.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=164.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=164.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=164.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=164.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=164.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=164.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=164.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=164.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=164.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=164.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=164.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=164.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=164.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=164.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=164.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=164.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=164.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=164.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=164.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=164.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=164.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=164.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=164.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=164.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=164.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=164.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=164.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=164.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=164.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=165.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=165.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=165.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=165.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=165.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=165.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=165.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=165.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=165.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=165.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=165.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=165.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=165.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=165.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=165.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=165.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=165.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=165.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=165.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=165.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=165.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=165.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=165.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=165.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=165.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=165.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=165.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=165.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=165.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=165.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=165.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=165.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=165.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=165.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=165.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=165.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=165.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=165.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=166.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=166.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=166.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=166.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=166.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=166.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=166.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=166.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=166.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=166.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=166.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=166.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=166.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=166.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=166.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=166.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=166.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=166.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=166.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=166.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=166.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=166.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=166.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=166.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=166.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=166.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=166.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=166.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=166.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=166.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=166.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=166.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=166.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=166.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=166.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=166.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=166.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=166.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=167.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=167.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=167.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=167.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=167.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=167.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=167.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=167.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=167.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=167.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=167.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=167.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=167.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=167.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=167.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=167.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=167.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=167.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=167.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=167.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=167.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=167.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=167.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=167.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=167.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=167.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=167.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=167.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=167.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=167.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=167.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=167.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=167.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=167.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=167.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=167.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=167.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=167.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=168.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=168.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=168.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=168.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=168.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=168.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=168.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=168.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=168.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=168.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=168.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=168.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=168.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=168.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=168.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=168.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=168.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=168.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=168.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=168.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=168.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=168.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=168.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=168.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=168.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=168.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=168.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=168.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=168.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=168.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=168.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=168.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=168.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=168.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=168.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=168.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=168.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=168.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=169.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=169.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=169.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=169.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=169.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=169.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=169.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=169.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=169.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=169.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=169.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=169.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=169.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=169.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=169.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=169.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=169.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=169.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=169.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=169.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=169.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=169.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=169.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=169.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=169.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=169.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=169.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=169.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=169.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=169.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=169.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=169.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=169.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=169.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=169.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=169.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=169.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=169.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=170.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=170.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=170.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=170.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=170.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=170.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=170.) *** MESSAGE [dcpam_jupiter_case00] *** Restart data => "dcpam_jupiter_restart.nc" (time=244790., 244800. min) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=170.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=170.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=170.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=170.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=170.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=170.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=170.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=170.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=170.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=170.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=170.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=170.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=170.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=170.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=170.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=170.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=170.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=170.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=170.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=170.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=170.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=170.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=170.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=170.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=170.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=170.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=170.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=170.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=170.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=170.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=170.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=171.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=171.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=171.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=171.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=171.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=171.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=171.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=171.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=171.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=171.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=171.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=171.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=171.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=171.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=171.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=171.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=171.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=171.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=171.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=171.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=171.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=171.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=171.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=171.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=171.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=171.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=171.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=171.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=171.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=171.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=171.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=171.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=171.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=171.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=171.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=171.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=171.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=171.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=172.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=172.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=172.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=172.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=172.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=172.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=172.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=172.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=172.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=172.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=172.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=172.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=172.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=172.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=172.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=172.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=172.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=172.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=172.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=172.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=172.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=172.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=172.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=172.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=172.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=172.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=172.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=172.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=172.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=172.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=172.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=172.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=172.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=172.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=172.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=172.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=172.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=172.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=173.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=173.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=173.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=173.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=173.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=173.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=173.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=173.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=173.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=173.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=173.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=173.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=173.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=173.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=173.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=173.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=173.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=173.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=173.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=173.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=173.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=173.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=173.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=173.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=173.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=173.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=173.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=173.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=173.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=173.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=173.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=173.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=173.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=173.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=173.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=173.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=173.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=173.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=174.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=174.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=174.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=174.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=174.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=174.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=174.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=174.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=174.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=174.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=174.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=174.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=174.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=174.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=174.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=174.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=174.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=174.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=174.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=174.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=174.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=174.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=174.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=174.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=174.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=174.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=174.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=174.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=174.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=174.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=174.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=174.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=174.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=174.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=174.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=174.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=174.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=174.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=175.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=175.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=175.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=175.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=175.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=175.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=175.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=175.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=175.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=175.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=175.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=175.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=175.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=175.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=175.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=175.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=175.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=175.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=175.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=175.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=175.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=175.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=175.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=175.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=175.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=175.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=175.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=175.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=175.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=175.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=175.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=175.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=175.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=175.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=175.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=175.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=175.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=175.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=176.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=176.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=176.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=176.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=176.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=176.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=176.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=176.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=176.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=176.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=176.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=176.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=176.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=176.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=176.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=176.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=176.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=176.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=176.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=176.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=176.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=176.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=176.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=176.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=176.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=176.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=176.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=176.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=176.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=176.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=176.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=176.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=176.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=176.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=176.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=176.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=176.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=176.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=177.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=177.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=177.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=177.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=177.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=177.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=177.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=177.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=177.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=177.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=177.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=177.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=177.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=177.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=177.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=177.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=177.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=177.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=177.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=177.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=177.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=177.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=177.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=177.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=177.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=177.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=177.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=177.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=177.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=177.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=177.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=177.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=177.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=177.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=177.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=177.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=177.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=177.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=178.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=178.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=178.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=178.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=178.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=178.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=178.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=178.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=178.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=178.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=178.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=178.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=178.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=178.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=178.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=178.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=178.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=178.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=178.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=178.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=178.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=178.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=178.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=178.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=178.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=178.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=178.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=178.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=178.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=178.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=178.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=178.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=178.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=178.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=178.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=178.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=178.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=178.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=179.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=179.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=179.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=179.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=179.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=179.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=179.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=179.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=179.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=179.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=179.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=179.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=179.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=179.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=179.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=179.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=179.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=179.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=179.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=179.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=179.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=179.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=179.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=179.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=179.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=179.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=179.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=179.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=179.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=179.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=179.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=179.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=179.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=179.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=179.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=179.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=179.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=179.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=180.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=180.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=180.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=180.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=180.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=180.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=180.) *** MESSAGE [dcpam_jupiter_case00] *** Restart data => "dcpam_jupiter_restart.nc" (time=259190., 259200. min) ########## PREDICTION OF CALCULATION ########### Start Date 2008-06-09T02:06:20-09:00 Current Date 2008-06-09T03:31:10-09:00 Progress 60.00% [*************** ] Remaining CPU TIME 0.308500E+04 (51.42 minutes) Completion Date 2008-06-09T04:22:35-09:00 *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=180.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=180.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=180.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=180.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=180.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=180.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=180.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=180.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=180.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=180.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=180.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=180.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=180.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=180.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=180.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=180.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=180.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=180.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=180.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=180.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=180.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=180.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=180.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=180.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=180.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=180.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=180.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=180.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=180.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=180.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=180.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=181.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=181.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=181.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=181.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=181.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=181.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=181.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=181.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=181.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=181.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=181.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=181.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=181.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=181.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=181.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=181.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=181.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=181.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=181.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=181.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=181.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=181.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=181.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=181.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=181.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=181.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=181.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=181.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=181.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=181.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=181.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=181.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=181.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=181.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=181.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=181.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=181.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=181.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=182.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=182.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=182.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=182.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=182.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=182.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=182.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=182.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=182.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=182.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=182.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=182.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=182.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=182.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=182.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=182.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=182.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=182.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=182.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=182.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=182.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=182.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=182.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=182.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=182.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=182.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=182.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=182.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=182.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=182.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=182.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=182.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=182.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=182.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=182.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=182.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=182.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=182.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=183.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=183.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=183.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=183.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=183.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=183.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=183.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=183.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=183.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=183.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=183.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=183.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=183.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=183.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=183.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=183.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=183.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=183.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=183.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=183.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=183.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=183.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=183.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=183.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=183.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=183.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=183.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=183.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=183.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=183.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=183.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=183.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=183.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=183.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=183.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=183.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=183.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=183.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=184.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=184.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=184.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=184.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=184.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=184.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=184.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=184.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=184.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=184.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=184.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=184.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=184.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=184.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=184.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=184.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=184.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=184.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=184.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=184.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=184.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=184.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=184.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=184.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=184.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=184.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=184.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=184.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=184.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=184.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=184.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=184.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=184.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=184.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=184.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=184.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=184.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=184.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=185.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=185.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=185.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=185.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=185.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=185.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=185.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=185.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=185.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=185.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=185.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=185.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=185.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=185.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=185.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=185.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=185.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=185.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=185.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=185.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=185.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=185.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=185.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=185.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=185.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=185.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=185.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=185.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=185.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=185.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=185.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=185.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=185.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=185.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=185.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=185.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=185.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=185.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=186.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=186.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=186.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=186.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=186.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=186.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=186.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=186.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=186.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=186.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=186.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=186.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=186.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=186.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=186.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=186.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=186.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=186.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=186.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=186.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=186.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=186.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=186.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=186.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=186.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=186.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=186.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=186.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=186.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=186.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=186.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=186.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=186.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=186.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=186.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=186.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=186.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=186.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=187.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=187.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=187.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=187.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=187.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=187.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=187.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=187.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=187.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=187.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=187.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=187.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=187.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=187.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=187.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=187.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=187.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=187.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=187.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=187.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=187.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=187.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=187.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=187.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=187.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=187.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=187.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=187.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=187.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=187.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=187.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=187.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=187.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=187.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=187.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=187.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=187.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=187.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=188.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=188.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=188.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=188.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=188.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=188.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=188.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=188.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=188.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=188.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=188.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=188.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=188.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=188.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=188.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=188.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=188.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=188.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=188.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=188.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=188.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=188.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=188.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=188.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=188.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=188.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=188.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=188.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=188.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=188.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=188.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=188.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=188.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=188.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=188.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=188.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=188.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=188.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=189.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=189.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=189.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=189.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=189.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=189.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=189.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=189.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=189.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=189.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=189.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=189.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=189.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=189.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=189.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=189.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=189.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=189.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=189.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=189.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=189.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=189.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=189.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=189.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=189.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=189.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=189.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=189.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=189.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=189.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=189.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=189.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=189.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=189.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=189.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=189.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=189.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=189.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=190.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=190.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=190.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=190.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=190.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=190.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=190.) *** MESSAGE [dcpam_jupiter_case00] *** Restart data => "dcpam_jupiter_restart.nc" (time=273590., 273600. min) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=190.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=190.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=190.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=190.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=190.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=190.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=190.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=190.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=190.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=190.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=190.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=190.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=190.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=190.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=190.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=190.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=190.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=190.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=190.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=190.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=190.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=190.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=190.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=190.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=190.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=190.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=190.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=190.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=190.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=190.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=190.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=191.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=191.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=191.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=191.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=191.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=191.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=191.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=191.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=191.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=191.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=191.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=191.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=191.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=191.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=191.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=191.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=191.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=191.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=191.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=191.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=191.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=191.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=191.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=191.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=191.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=191.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=191.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=191.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=191.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=191.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=191.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=191.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=191.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=191.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=191.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=191.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=191.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=191.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=192.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=192.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=192.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=192.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=192.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=192.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=192.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=192.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=192.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=192.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=192.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=192.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=192.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=192.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=192.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=192.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=192.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=192.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=192.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=192.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=192.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=192.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=192.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=192.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=192.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=192.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=192.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=192.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=192.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=192.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=192.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=192.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=192.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=192.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=192.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=192.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=192.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=192.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=193.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=193.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=193.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=193.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=193.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=193.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=193.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=193.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=193.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=193.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=193.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=193.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=193.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=193.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=193.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=193.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=193.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=193.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=193.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=193.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=193.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=193.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=193.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=193.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=193.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=193.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=193.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=193.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=193.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=193.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=193.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=193.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=193.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=193.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=193.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=193.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=193.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=193.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=194.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=194.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=194.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=194.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=194.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=194.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=194.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=194.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=194.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=194.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=194.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=194.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=194.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=194.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=194.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=194.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=194.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=194.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=194.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=194.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=194.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=194.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=194.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=194.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=194.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=194.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=194.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=194.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=194.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=194.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=194.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=194.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=194.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=194.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=194.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=194.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=194.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=194.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=195.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=195.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=195.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=195.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=195.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=195.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=195.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=195.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=195.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=195.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=195.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=195.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=195.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=195.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=195.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=195.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=195.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=195.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=195.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=195.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=195.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=195.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=195.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=195.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=195.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=195.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=195.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=195.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=195.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=195.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=195.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=195.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=195.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=195.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=195.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=195.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=195.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=195.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=196.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=196.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=196.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=196.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=196.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=196.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=196.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=196.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=196.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=196.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=196.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=196.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=196.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=196.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=196.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=196.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=196.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=196.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=196.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=196.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=196.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=196.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=196.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=196.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=196.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=196.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=196.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=196.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=196.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=196.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=196.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=196.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=196.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=196.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=196.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=196.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=196.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=196.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=197.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=197.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=197.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=197.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=197.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=197.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=197.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=197.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=197.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=197.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=197.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=197.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=197.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=197.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=197.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=197.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=197.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=197.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=197.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=197.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=197.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=197.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=197.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=197.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=197.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=197.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=197.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=197.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=197.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=197.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=197.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=197.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=197.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=197.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=197.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=197.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=197.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=197.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=198.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=198.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=198.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=198.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=198.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=198.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=198.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=198.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=198.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=198.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=198.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=198.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=198.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=198.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=198.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=198.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=198.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=198.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=198.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=198.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=198.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=198.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=198.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=198.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=198.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=198.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=198.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=198.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=198.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=198.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=198.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=198.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=198.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=198.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=198.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=198.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=198.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=198.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=199.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=199.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=199.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=199.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=199.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=199.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=199.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=199.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=199.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=199.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=199.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=199.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=199.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=199.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=199.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=199.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=199.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=199.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=199.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=199.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=199.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=199.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=199.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=199.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=199.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=199.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=199.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=199.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=199.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=199.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=199.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=199.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=199.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=199.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=199.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=199.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=199.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=199.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=200.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=200.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=200.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=200.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=200.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=200.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=200.) *** MESSAGE [dcpam_jupiter_case00] *** Restart data => "dcpam_jupiter_restart.nc" (time=287990., 288000. min) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=200.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=200.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=200.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=200.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=200.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=200.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=200.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=200.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=200.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=200.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=200.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=200.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=200.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=200.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=200.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=200.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=200.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=200.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=200.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=200.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=200.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=200.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=200.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=200.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=200.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=200.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=200.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=200.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=200.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=200.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=200.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=201.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=201.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=201.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=201.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=201.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=201.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=201.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=201.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=201.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=201.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=201.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=201.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=201.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=201.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=201.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=201.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=201.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=201.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=201.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=201.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=201.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=201.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=201.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=201.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=201.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=201.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=201.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=201.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=201.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=201.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=201.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=201.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=201.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=201.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=201.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=201.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=201.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=201.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=202.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=202.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=202.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=202.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=202.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=202.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=202.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=202.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=202.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=202.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=202.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=202.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=202.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=202.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=202.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=202.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=202.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=202.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=202.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=202.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=202.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=202.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=202.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=202.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=202.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=202.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=202.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=202.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=202.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=202.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=202.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=202.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=202.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=202.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=202.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=202.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=202.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=202.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=203.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=203.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=203.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=203.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=203.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=203.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=203.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=203.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=203.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=203.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=203.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=203.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=203.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=203.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=203.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=203.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=203.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=203.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=203.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=203.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=203.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=203.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=203.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=203.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=203.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=203.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=203.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=203.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=203.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=203.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=203.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=203.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=203.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=203.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=203.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=203.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=203.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=203.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=204.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=204.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=204.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=204.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=204.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=204.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=204.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=204.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=204.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=204.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=204.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=204.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=204.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=204.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=204.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=204.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=204.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=204.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=204.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=204.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=204.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=204.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=204.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=204.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=204.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=204.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=204.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=204.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=204.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=204.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=204.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=204.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=204.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=204.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=204.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=204.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=204.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=204.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=205.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=205.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=205.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=205.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=205.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=205.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=205.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=205.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=205.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=205.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=205.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=205.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=205.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=205.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=205.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=205.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=205.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=205.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=205.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=205.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=205.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=205.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=205.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=205.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=205.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=205.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=205.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=205.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=205.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=205.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=205.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=205.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=205.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=205.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=205.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=205.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=205.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=205.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=206.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=206.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=206.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=206.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=206.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=206.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=206.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=206.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=206.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=206.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=206.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=206.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=206.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=206.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=206.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=206.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=206.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=206.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=206.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=206.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=206.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=206.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=206.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=206.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=206.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=206.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=206.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=206.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=206.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=206.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=206.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=206.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=206.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=206.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=206.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=206.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=206.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=206.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=207.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=207.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=207.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=207.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=207.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=207.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=207.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=207.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=207.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=207.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=207.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=207.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=207.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=207.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=207.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=207.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=207.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=207.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=207.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=207.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=207.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=207.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=207.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=207.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=207.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=207.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=207.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=207.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=207.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=207.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=207.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=207.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=207.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=207.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=207.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=207.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=207.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=207.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=208.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=208.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=208.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=208.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=208.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=208.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=208.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=208.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=208.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=208.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=208.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=208.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=208.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=208.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=208.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=208.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=208.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=208.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=208.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=208.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=208.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=208.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=208.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=208.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=208.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=208.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=208.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=208.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=208.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=208.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=208.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=208.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=208.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=208.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=208.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=208.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=208.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=208.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=209.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=209.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=209.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=209.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=209.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=209.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=209.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=209.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=209.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=209.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=209.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=209.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=209.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=209.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=209.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=209.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=209.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=209.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=209.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=209.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=209.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=209.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=209.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=209.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=209.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=209.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=209.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=209.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=209.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=209.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=209.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=209.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=209.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=209.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=209.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=209.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=209.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=209.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=210.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=210.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=210.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=210.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=210.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=210.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=210.) *** MESSAGE [dcpam_jupiter_case00] *** Restart data => "dcpam_jupiter_restart.nc" (time=302390., 302400. min) ########## PREDICTION OF CALCULATION ########### Start Date 2008-06-09T02:06:20-09:00 Current Date 2008-06-09T03:45:34-09:00 Progress 70.00% [***************** ] Remaining CPU TIME 0.231400E+04 (38.57 minutes) Completion Date 2008-06-09T04:24:08-09:00 *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=210.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=210.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=210.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=210.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=210.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=210.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=210.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=210.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=210.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=210.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=210.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=210.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=210.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=210.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=210.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=210.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=210.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=210.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=210.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=210.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=210.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=210.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=210.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=210.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=210.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=210.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=210.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=210.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=210.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=210.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=210.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=211.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=211.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=211.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=211.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=211.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=211.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=211.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=211.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=211.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=211.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=211.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=211.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=211.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=211.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=211.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=211.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=211.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=211.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=211.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=211.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=211.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=211.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=211.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=211.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=211.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=211.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=211.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=211.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=211.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=211.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=211.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=211.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=211.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=211.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=211.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=211.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=211.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=211.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=212.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=212.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=212.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=212.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=212.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=212.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=212.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=212.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=212.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=212.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=212.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=212.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=212.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=212.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=212.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=212.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=212.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=212.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=212.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=212.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=212.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=212.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=212.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=212.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=212.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=212.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=212.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=212.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=212.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=212.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=212.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=212.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=212.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=212.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=212.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=212.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=212.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=212.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=213.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=213.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=213.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=213.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=213.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=213.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=213.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=213.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=213.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=213.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=213.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=213.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=213.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=213.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=213.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=213.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=213.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=213.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=213.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=213.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=213.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=213.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=213.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=213.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=213.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=213.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=213.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=213.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=213.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=213.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=213.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=213.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=213.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=213.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=213.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=213.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=213.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=213.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=214.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=214.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=214.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=214.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=214.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=214.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=214.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=214.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=214.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=214.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=214.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=214.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=214.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=214.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=214.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=214.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=214.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=214.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=214.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=214.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=214.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=214.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=214.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=214.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=214.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=214.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=214.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=214.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=214.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=214.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=214.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=214.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=214.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=214.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=214.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=214.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=214.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=214.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=215.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=215.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=215.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=215.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=215.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=215.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=215.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=215.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=215.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=215.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=215.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=215.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=215.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=215.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=215.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=215.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=215.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=215.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=215.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=215.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=215.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=215.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=215.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=215.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=215.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=215.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=215.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=215.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=215.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=215.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=215.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=215.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=215.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=215.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=215.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=215.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=215.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=215.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=216.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=216.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=216.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=216.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=216.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=216.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=216.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=216.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=216.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=216.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=216.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=216.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=216.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=216.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=216.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=216.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=216.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=216.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=216.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=216.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=216.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=216.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=216.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=216.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=216.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=216.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=216.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=216.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=216.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=216.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=216.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=216.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=216.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=216.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=216.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=216.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=216.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=216.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=217.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=217.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=217.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=217.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=217.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=217.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=217.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=217.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=217.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=217.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=217.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=217.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=217.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=217.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=217.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=217.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=217.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=217.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=217.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=217.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=217.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=217.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=217.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=217.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=217.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=217.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=217.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=217.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=217.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=217.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=217.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=217.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=217.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=217.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=217.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=217.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=217.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=217.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=218.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=218.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=218.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=218.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=218.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=218.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=218.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=218.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=218.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=218.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=218.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=218.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=218.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=218.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=218.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=218.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=218.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=218.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=218.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=218.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=218.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=218.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=218.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=218.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=218.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=218.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=218.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=218.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=218.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=218.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=218.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=218.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=218.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=218.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=218.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=218.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=218.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=218.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=219.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=219.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=219.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=219.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=219.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=219.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=219.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=219.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=219.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=219.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=219.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=219.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=219.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=219.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=219.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=219.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=219.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=219.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=219.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=219.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=219.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=219.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=219.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=219.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=219.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=219.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=219.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=219.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=219.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=219.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=219.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=219.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=219.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=219.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=219.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=219.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=219.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=219.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=220.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=220.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=220.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=220.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=220.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=220.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=220.) *** MESSAGE [dcpam_jupiter_case00] *** Restart data => "dcpam_jupiter_restart.nc" (time=316790., 316800. min) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=220.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=220.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=220.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=220.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=220.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=220.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=220.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=220.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=220.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=220.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=220.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=220.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=220.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=220.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=220.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=220.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=220.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=220.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=220.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=220.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=220.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=220.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=220.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=220.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=220.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=220.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=220.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=220.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=220.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=220.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=220.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=221.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=221.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=221.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=221.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=221.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=221.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=221.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=221.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=221.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=221.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=221.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=221.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=221.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=221.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=221.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=221.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=221.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=221.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=221.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=221.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=221.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=221.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=221.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=221.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=221.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=221.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=221.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=221.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=221.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=221.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=221.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=221.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=221.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=221.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=221.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=221.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=221.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=221.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=222.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=222.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=222.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=222.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=222.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=222.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=222.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=222.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=222.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=222.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=222.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=222.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=222.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=222.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=222.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=222.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=222.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=222.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=222.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=222.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=222.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=222.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=222.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=222.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=222.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=222.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=222.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=222.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=222.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=222.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=222.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=222.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=222.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=222.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=222.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=222.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=222.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=222.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=223.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=223.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=223.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=223.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=223.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=223.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=223.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=223.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=223.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=223.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=223.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=223.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=223.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=223.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=223.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=223.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=223.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=223.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=223.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=223.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=223.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=223.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=223.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=223.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=223.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=223.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=223.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=223.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=223.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=223.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=223.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=223.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=223.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=223.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=223.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=223.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=223.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=223.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=224.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=224.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=224.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=224.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=224.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=224.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=224.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=224.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=224.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=224.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=224.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=224.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=224.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=224.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=224.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=224.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=224.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=224.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=224.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=224.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=224.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=224.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=224.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=224.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=224.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=224.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=224.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=224.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=224.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=224.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=224.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=224.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=224.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=224.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=224.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=224.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=224.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=224.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=225.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=225.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=225.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=225.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=225.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=225.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=225.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=225.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=225.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=225.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=225.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=225.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=225.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=225.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=225.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=225.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=225.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=225.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=225.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=225.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=225.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=225.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=225.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=225.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=225.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=225.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=225.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=225.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=225.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=225.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=225.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=225.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=225.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=225.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=225.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=225.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=225.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=225.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=226.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=226.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=226.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=226.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=226.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=226.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=226.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=226.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=226.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=226.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=226.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=226.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=226.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=226.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=226.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=226.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=226.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=226.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=226.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=226.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=226.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=226.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=226.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=226.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=226.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=226.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=226.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=226.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=226.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=226.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=226.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=226.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=226.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=226.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=226.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=226.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=226.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=226.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=227.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=227.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=227.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=227.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=227.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=227.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=227.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=227.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=227.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=227.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=227.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=227.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=227.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=227.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=227.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=227.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=227.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=227.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=227.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=227.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=227.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=227.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=227.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=227.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=227.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=227.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=227.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=227.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=227.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=227.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=227.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=227.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=227.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=227.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=227.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=227.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=227.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=227.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=228.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=228.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=228.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=228.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=228.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=228.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=228.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=228.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=228.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=228.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=228.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=228.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=228.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=228.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=228.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=228.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=228.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=228.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=228.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=228.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=228.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=228.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=228.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=228.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=228.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=228.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=228.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=228.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=228.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=228.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=228.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=228.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=228.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=228.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=228.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=228.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=228.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=228.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=229.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=229.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=229.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=229.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=229.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=229.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=229.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=229.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=229.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=229.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=229.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=229.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=229.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=229.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=229.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=229.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=229.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=229.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=229.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=229.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=229.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=229.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=229.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=229.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=229.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=229.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=229.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=229.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=229.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=229.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=229.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=229.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=229.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=229.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=229.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=229.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=229.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=229.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=230.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=230.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=230.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=230.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=230.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=230.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=230.) *** MESSAGE [dcpam_jupiter_case00] *** Restart data => "dcpam_jupiter_restart.nc" (time=331190., 331200. min) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=230.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=230.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=230.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=230.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=230.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=230.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=230.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=230.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=230.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=230.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=230.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=230.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=230.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=230.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=230.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=230.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=230.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=230.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=230.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=230.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=230.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=230.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=230.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=230.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=230.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=230.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=230.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=230.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=230.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=230.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=230.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=231.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=231.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=231.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=231.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=231.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=231.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=231.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=231.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=231.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=231.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=231.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=231.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=231.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=231.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=231.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=231.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=231.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=231.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=231.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=231.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=231.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=231.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=231.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=231.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=231.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=231.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=231.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=231.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=231.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=231.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=231.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=231.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=231.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=231.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=231.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=231.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=231.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=231.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=232.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=232.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=232.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=232.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=232.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=232.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=232.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=232.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=232.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=232.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=232.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=232.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=232.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=232.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=232.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=232.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=232.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=232.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=232.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=232.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=232.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=232.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=232.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=232.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=232.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=232.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=232.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=232.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=232.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=232.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=232.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=232.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=232.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=232.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=232.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=232.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=232.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=232.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=233.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=233.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=233.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=233.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=233.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=233.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=233.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=233.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=233.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=233.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=233.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=233.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=233.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=233.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=233.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=233.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=233.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=233.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=233.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=233.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=233.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=233.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=233.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=233.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=233.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=233.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=233.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=233.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=233.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=233.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=233.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=233.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=233.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=233.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=233.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=233.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=233.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=233.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=234.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=234.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=234.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=234.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=234.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=234.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=234.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=234.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=234.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=234.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=234.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=234.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=234.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=234.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=234.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=234.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=234.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=234.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=234.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=234.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=234.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=234.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=234.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=234.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=234.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=234.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=234.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=234.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=234.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=234.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=234.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=234.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=234.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=234.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=234.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=234.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=234.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=234.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=235.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=235.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=235.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=235.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=235.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=235.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=235.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=235.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=235.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=235.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=235.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=235.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=235.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=235.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=235.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=235.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=235.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=235.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=235.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=235.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=235.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=235.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=235.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=235.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=235.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=235.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=235.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=235.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=235.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=235.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=235.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=235.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=235.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=235.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=235.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=235.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=235.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=235.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=236.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=236.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=236.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=236.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=236.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=236.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=236.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=236.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=236.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=236.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=236.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=236.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=236.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=236.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=236.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=236.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=236.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=236.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=236.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=236.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=236.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=236.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=236.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=236.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=236.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=236.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=236.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=236.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=236.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=236.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=236.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=236.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=236.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=236.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=236.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=236.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=236.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=236.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=237.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=237.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=237.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=237.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=237.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=237.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=237.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=237.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=237.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=237.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=237.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=237.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=237.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=237.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=237.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=237.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=237.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=237.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=237.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=237.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=237.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=237.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=237.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=237.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=237.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=237.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=237.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=237.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=237.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=237.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=237.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=237.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=237.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=237.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=237.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=237.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=237.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=237.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=238.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=238.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=238.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=238.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=238.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=238.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=238.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=238.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=238.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=238.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=238.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=238.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=238.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=238.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=238.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=238.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=238.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=238.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=238.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=238.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=238.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=238.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=238.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=238.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=238.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=238.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=238.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=238.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=238.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=238.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=238.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=238.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=238.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=238.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=238.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=238.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=238.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=238.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=239.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=239.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=239.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=239.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=239.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=239.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=239.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=239.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=239.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=239.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=239.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=239.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=239.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=239.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=239.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=239.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=239.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=239.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=239.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=239.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=239.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=239.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=239.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=239.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=239.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=239.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=239.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=239.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=239.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=239.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=239.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=239.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=239.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=239.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=239.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=239.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=239.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=239.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=240.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=240.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=240.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=240.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=240.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=240.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=240.) *** MESSAGE [dcpam_jupiter_case00] *** Restart data => "dcpam_jupiter_restart.nc" (time=345590., 345600. min) ########## PREDICTION OF CALCULATION ########### Start Date 2008-06-09T02:06:20-09:00 Current Date 2008-06-09T04:00:01-09:00 Progress 80.00% [******************** ] Remaining CPU TIME 0.154300E+04 (25.72 minutes) Completion Date 2008-06-09T04:25:44-09:00 *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=240.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=240.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=240.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=240.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=240.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=240.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=240.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=240.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=240.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=240.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=240.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=240.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=240.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=240.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=240.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=240.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=240.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=240.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=240.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=240.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=240.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=240.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=240.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=240.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=240.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=240.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=240.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=240.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=240.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=240.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=240.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=241.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=241.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=241.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=241.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=241.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=241.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=241.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=241.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=241.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=241.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=241.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=241.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=241.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=241.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=241.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=241.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=241.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=241.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=241.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=241.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=241.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=241.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=241.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=241.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=241.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=241.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=241.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=241.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=241.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=241.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=241.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=241.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=241.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=241.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=241.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=241.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=241.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=241.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=242.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=242.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=242.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=242.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=242.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=242.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=242.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=242.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=242.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=242.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=242.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=242.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=242.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=242.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=242.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=242.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=242.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=242.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=242.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=242.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=242.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=242.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=242.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=242.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=242.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=242.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=242.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=242.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=242.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=242.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=242.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=242.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=242.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=242.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=242.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=242.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=242.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=242.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=243.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=243.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=243.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=243.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=243.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=243.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=243.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=243.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=243.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=243.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=243.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=243.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=243.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=243.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=243.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=243.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=243.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=243.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=243.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=243.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=243.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=243.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=243.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=243.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=243.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=243.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=243.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=243.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=243.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=243.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=243.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=243.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=243.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=243.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=243.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=243.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=243.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=243.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=244.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=244.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=244.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=244.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=244.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=244.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=244.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=244.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=244.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=244.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=244.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=244.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=244.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=244.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=244.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=244.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=244.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=244.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=244.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=244.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=244.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=244.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=244.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=244.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=244.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=244.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=244.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=244.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=244.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=244.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=244.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=244.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=244.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=244.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=244.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=244.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=244.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=244.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=245.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=245.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=245.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=245.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=245.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=245.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=245.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=245.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=245.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=245.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=245.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=245.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=245.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=245.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=245.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=245.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=245.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=245.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=245.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=245.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=245.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=245.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=245.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=245.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=245.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=245.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=245.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=245.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=245.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=245.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=245.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=245.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=245.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=245.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=245.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=245.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=245.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=245.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=246.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=246.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=246.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=246.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=246.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=246.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=246.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=246.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=246.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=246.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=246.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=246.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=246.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=246.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=246.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=246.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=246.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=246.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=246.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=246.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=246.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=246.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=246.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=246.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=246.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=246.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=246.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=246.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=246.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=246.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=246.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=246.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=246.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=246.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=246.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=246.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=246.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=246.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=247.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=247.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=247.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=247.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=247.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=247.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=247.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=247.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=247.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=247.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=247.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=247.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=247.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=247.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=247.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=247.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=247.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=247.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=247.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=247.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=247.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=247.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=247.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=247.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=247.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=247.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=247.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=247.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=247.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=247.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=247.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=247.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=247.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=247.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=247.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=247.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=247.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=247.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=248.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=248.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=248.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=248.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=248.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=248.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=248.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=248.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=248.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=248.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=248.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=248.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=248.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=248.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=248.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=248.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=248.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=248.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=248.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=248.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=248.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=248.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=248.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=248.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=248.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=248.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=248.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=248.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=248.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=248.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=248.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=248.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=248.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=248.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=248.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=248.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=248.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=248.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=249.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=249.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=249.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=249.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=249.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=249.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=249.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=249.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=249.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=249.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=249.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=249.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=249.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=249.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=249.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=249.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=249.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=249.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=249.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=249.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=249.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=249.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=249.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=249.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=249.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=249.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=249.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=249.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=249.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=249.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=249.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=249.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=249.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=249.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=249.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=249.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=249.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=249.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=250.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=250.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=250.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=250.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=250.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=250.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=250.) *** MESSAGE [dcpam_jupiter_case00] *** Restart data => "dcpam_jupiter_restart.nc" (time=359990., 360000. min) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=250.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=250.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=250.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=250.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=250.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=250.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=250.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=250.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=250.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=250.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=250.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=250.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=250.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=250.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=250.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=250.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=250.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=250.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=250.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=250.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=250.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=250.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=250.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=250.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=250.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=250.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=250.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=250.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=250.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=250.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=250.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=251.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=251.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=251.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=251.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=251.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=251.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=251.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=251.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=251.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=251.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=251.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=251.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=251.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=251.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=251.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=251.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=251.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=251.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=251.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=251.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=251.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=251.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=251.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=251.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=251.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=251.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=251.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=251.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=251.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=251.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=251.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=251.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=251.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=251.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=251.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=251.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=251.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=251.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=252.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=252.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=252.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=252.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=252.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=252.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=252.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=252.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=252.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=252.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=252.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=252.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=252.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=252.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=252.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=252.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=252.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=252.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=252.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=252.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=252.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=252.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=252.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=252.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=252.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=252.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=252.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=252.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=252.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=252.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=252.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=252.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=252.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=252.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=252.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=252.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=252.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=252.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=253.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=253.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=253.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=253.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=253.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=253.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=253.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=253.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=253.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=253.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=253.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=253.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=253.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=253.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=253.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=253.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=253.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=253.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=253.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=253.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=253.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=253.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=253.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=253.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=253.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=253.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=253.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=253.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=253.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=253.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=253.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=253.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=253.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=253.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=253.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=253.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=253.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=253.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=254.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=254.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=254.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=254.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=254.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=254.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=254.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=254.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=254.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=254.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=254.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=254.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=254.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=254.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=254.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=254.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=254.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=254.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=254.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=254.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=254.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=254.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=254.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=254.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=254.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=254.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=254.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=254.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=254.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=254.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=254.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=254.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=254.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=254.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=254.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=254.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=254.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=254.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=255.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=255.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=255.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=255.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=255.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=255.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=255.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=255.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=255.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=255.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=255.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=255.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=255.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=255.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=255.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=255.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=255.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=255.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=255.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=255.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=255.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=255.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=255.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=255.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=255.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=255.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=255.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=255.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=255.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=255.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=255.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=255.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=255.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=255.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=255.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=255.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=255.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=255.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=256.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=256.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=256.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=256.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=256.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=256.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=256.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=256.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=256.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=256.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=256.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=256.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=256.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=256.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=256.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=256.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=256.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=256.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=256.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=256.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=256.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=256.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=256.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=256.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=256.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=256.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=256.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=256.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=256.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=256.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=256.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=256.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=256.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=256.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=256.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=256.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=256.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=256.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=257.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=257.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=257.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=257.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=257.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=257.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=257.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=257.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=257.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=257.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=257.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=257.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=257.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=257.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=257.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=257.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=257.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=257.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=257.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=257.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=257.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=257.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=257.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=257.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=257.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=257.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=257.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=257.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=257.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=257.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=257.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=257.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=257.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=257.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=257.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=257.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=257.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=257.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=258.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=258.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=258.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=258.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=258.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=258.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=258.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=258.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=258.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=258.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=258.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=258.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=258.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=258.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=258.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=258.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=258.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=258.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=258.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=258.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=258.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=258.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=258.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=258.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=258.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=258.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=258.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=258.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=258.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=258.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=258.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=258.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=258.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=258.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=258.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=258.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=258.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=258.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=259.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=259.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=259.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=259.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=259.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=259.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=259.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=259.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=259.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=259.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=259.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=259.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=259.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=259.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=259.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=259.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=259.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=259.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=259.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=259.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=259.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=259.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=259.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=259.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=259.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=259.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=259.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=259.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=259.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=259.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=259.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=259.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=259.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=259.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=259.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=259.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=259.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=259.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=260.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=260.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=260.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=260.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=260.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=260.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=260.) *** MESSAGE [dcpam_jupiter_case00] *** Restart data => "dcpam_jupiter_restart.nc" (time=374390., 374400. min) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=260.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=260.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=260.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=260.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=260.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=260.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=260.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=260.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=260.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=260.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=260.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=260.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=260.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=260.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=260.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=260.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=260.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=260.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=260.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=260.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=260.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=260.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=260.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=260.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=260.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=260.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=260.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=260.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=260.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=260.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=260.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=261.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=261.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=261.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=261.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=261.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=261.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=261.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=261.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=261.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=261.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=261.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=261.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=261.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=261.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=261.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=261.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=261.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=261.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=261.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=261.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=261.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=261.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=261.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=261.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=261.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=261.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=261.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=261.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=261.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=261.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=261.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=261.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=261.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=261.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=261.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=261.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=261.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=261.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=262.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=262.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=262.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=262.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=262.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=262.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=262.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=262.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=262.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=262.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=262.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=262.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=262.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=262.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=262.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=262.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=262.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=262.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=262.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=262.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=262.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=262.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=262.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=262.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=262.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=262.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=262.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=262.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=262.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=262.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=262.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=262.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=262.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=262.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=262.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=262.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=262.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=262.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=263.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=263.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=263.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=263.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=263.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=263.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=263.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=263.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=263.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=263.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=263.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=263.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=263.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=263.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=263.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=263.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=263.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=263.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=263.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=263.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=263.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=263.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=263.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=263.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=263.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=263.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=263.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=263.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=263.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=263.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=263.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=263.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=263.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=263.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=263.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=263.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=263.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=263.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=264.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=264.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=264.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=264.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=264.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=264.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=264.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=264.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=264.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=264.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=264.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=264.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=264.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=264.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=264.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=264.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=264.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=264.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=264.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=264.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=264.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=264.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=264.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=264.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=264.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=264.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=264.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=264.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=264.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=264.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=264.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=264.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=264.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=264.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=264.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=264.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=264.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=264.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=265.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=265.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=265.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=265.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=265.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=265.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=265.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=265.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=265.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=265.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=265.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=265.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=265.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=265.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=265.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=265.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=265.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=265.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=265.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=265.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=265.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=265.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=265.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=265.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=265.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=265.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=265.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=265.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=265.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=265.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=265.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=265.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=265.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=265.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=265.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=265.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=265.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=265.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=266.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=266.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=266.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=266.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=266.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=266.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=266.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=266.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=266.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=266.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=266.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=266.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=266.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=266.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=266.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=266.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=266.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=266.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=266.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=266.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=266.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=266.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=266.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=266.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=266.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=266.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=266.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=266.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=266.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=266.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=266.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=266.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=266.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=266.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=266.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=266.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=266.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=266.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=267.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=267.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=267.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=267.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=267.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=267.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=267.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=267.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=267.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=267.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=267.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=267.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=267.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=267.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=267.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=267.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=267.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=267.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=267.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=267.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=267.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=267.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=267.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=267.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=267.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=267.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=267.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=267.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=267.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=267.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=267.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=267.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=267.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=267.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=267.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=267.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=267.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=267.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=268.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=268.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=268.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=268.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=268.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=268.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=268.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=268.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=268.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=268.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=268.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=268.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=268.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=268.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=268.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=268.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=268.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=268.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=268.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=268.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=268.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=268.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=268.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=268.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=268.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=268.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=268.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=268.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=268.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=268.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=268.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=268.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=268.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=268.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=268.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=268.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=268.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=268.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=269.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=269.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=269.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=269.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=269.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=269.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=269.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=269.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=269.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=269.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=269.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=269.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=269.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=269.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=269.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=269.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=269.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=269.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=269.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=269.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=269.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=269.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=269.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=269.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=269.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=269.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=269.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=269.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=269.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=269.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=269.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=269.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=269.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=269.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=269.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=269.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=269.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=269.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=270.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=270.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=270.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=270.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=270.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=270.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=270.) *** MESSAGE [dcpam_jupiter_case00] *** Restart data => "dcpam_jupiter_restart.nc" (time=388790., 388800. min) ########## PREDICTION OF CALCULATION ########### Start Date 2008-06-09T02:06:20-09:00 Current Date 2008-06-09T04:15:01-09:00 Progress 90.00% [********************** ] Remaining CPU TIME 0.771000E+03 (12.85 minutes) Completion Date 2008-06-09T04:27:52-09:00 *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=270.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=270.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=270.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=270.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=270.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=270.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=270.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=270.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=270.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=270.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=270.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=270.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=270.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=270.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=270.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=270.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=270.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=270.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=270.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=270.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=270.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=270.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=270.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=270.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=270.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=270.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=270.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=270.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=270.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=270.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=270.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=271.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=271.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=271.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=271.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=271.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=271.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=271.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=271.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=271.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=271.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=271.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=271.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=271.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=271.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=271.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=271.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=271.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=271.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=271.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=271.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=271.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=271.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=271.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=271.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=271.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=271.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=271.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=271.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=271.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=271.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=271.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=271.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=271.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=271.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=271.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=271.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=271.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=271.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=272.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=272.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=272.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=272.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=272.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=272.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=272.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=272.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=272.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=272.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=272.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=272.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=272.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=272.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=272.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=272.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=272.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=272.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=272.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=272.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=272.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=272.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=272.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=272.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=272.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=272.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=272.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=272.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=272.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=272.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=272.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=272.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=272.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=272.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=272.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=272.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=272.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=272.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=273.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=273.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=273.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=273.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=273.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=273.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=273.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=273.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=273.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=273.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=273.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=273.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=273.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=273.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=273.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=273.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=273.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=273.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=273.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=273.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=273.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=273.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=273.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=273.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=273.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=273.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=273.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=273.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=273.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=273.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=273.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=273.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=273.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=273.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=273.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=273.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=273.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=273.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=274.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=274.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=274.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=274.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=274.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=274.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=274.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=274.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=274.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=274.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=274.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=274.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=274.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=274.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=274.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=274.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=274.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=274.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=274.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=274.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=274.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=274.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=274.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=274.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=274.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=274.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=274.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=274.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=274.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=274.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=274.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=274.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=274.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=274.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=274.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=274.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=274.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=274.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=275.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=275.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=275.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=275.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=275.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=275.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=275.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=275.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=275.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=275.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=275.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=275.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=275.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=275.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=275.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=275.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=275.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=275.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=275.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=275.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=275.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=275.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=275.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=275.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=275.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=275.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=275.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=275.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=275.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=275.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=275.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=275.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=275.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=275.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=275.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=275.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=275.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=275.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=276.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=276.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=276.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=276.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=276.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=276.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=276.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=276.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=276.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=276.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=276.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=276.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=276.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=276.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=276.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=276.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=276.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=276.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=276.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=276.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=276.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=276.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=276.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=276.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=276.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=276.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=276.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=276.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=276.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=276.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=276.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=276.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=276.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=276.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=276.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=276.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=276.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=276.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=277.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=277.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=277.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=277.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=277.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=277.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=277.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=277.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=277.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=277.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=277.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=277.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=277.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=277.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=277.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=277.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=277.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=277.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=277.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=277.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=277.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=277.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=277.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=277.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=277.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=277.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=277.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=277.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=277.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=277.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=277.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=277.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=277.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=277.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=277.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=277.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=277.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=277.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=278.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=278.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=278.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=278.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=278.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=278.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=278.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=278.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=278.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=278.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=278.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=278.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=278.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=278.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=278.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=278.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=278.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=278.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=278.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=278.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=278.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=278.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=278.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=278.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=278.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=278.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=278.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=278.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=278.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=278.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=278.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=278.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=278.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=278.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=278.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=278.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=278.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=278.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=279.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=279.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=279.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=279.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=279.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=279.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=279.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=279.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=279.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=279.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=279.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=279.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=279.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=279.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=279.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=279.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=279.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=279.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=279.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=279.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=279.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=279.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=279.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=279.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=279.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=279.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=279.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=279.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=279.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=279.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=279.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=279.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=279.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=279.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=279.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=279.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=279.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=279.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=280.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=280.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=280.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=280.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=280.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=280.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=280.) *** MESSAGE [dcpam_jupiter_case00] *** Restart data => "dcpam_jupiter_restart.nc" (time=403190., 403200. min) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=280.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=280.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=280.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=280.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=280.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=280.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=280.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=280.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=280.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=280.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=280.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=280.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=280.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=280.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=280.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=280.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=280.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=280.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=280.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=280.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=280.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=280.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=280.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=280.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=280.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=280.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=280.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=280.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=280.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=280.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=280.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=281.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=281.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=281.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=281.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=281.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=281.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=281.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=281.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=281.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=281.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=281.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=281.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=281.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=281.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=281.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=281.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=281.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=281.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=281.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=281.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=281.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=281.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=281.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=281.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=281.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=281.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=281.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=281.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=281.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=281.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=281.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=281.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=281.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=281.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=281.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=281.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=281.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=281.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=282.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=282.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=282.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=282.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=282.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=282.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=282.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=282.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=282.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=282.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=282.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=282.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=282.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=282.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=282.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=282.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=282.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=282.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=282.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=282.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=282.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=282.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=282.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=282.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=282.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=282.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=282.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=282.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=282.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=282.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=282.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=282.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=282.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=282.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=282.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=282.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=282.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=282.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=283.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=283.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=283.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=283.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=283.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=283.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=283.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=283.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=283.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=283.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=283.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=283.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=283.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=283.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=283.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=283.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=283.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=283.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=283.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=283.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=283.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=283.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=283.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=283.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=283.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=283.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=283.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=283.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=283.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=283.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=283.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=283.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=283.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=283.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=283.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=283.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=283.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=283.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=284.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=284.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=284.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=284.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=284.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=284.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=284.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=284.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=284.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=284.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=284.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=284.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=284.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=284.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=284.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=284.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=284.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=284.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=284.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=284.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=284.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=284.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=284.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=284.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=284.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=284.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=284.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=284.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=284.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=284.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=284.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=284.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=284.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=284.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=284.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=284.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=284.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=284.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=285.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=285.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=285.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=285.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=285.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=285.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=285.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=285.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=285.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=285.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=285.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=285.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=285.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=285.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=285.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=285.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=285.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=285.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=285.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=285.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=285.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=285.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=285.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=285.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=285.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=285.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=285.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=285.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=285.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=285.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=285.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=285.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=285.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=285.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=285.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=285.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=285.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=285.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=286.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=286.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=286.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=286.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=286.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=286.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=286.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=286.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=286.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=286.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=286.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=286.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=286.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=286.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=286.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=286.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=286.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=286.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=286.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=286.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=286.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=286.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=286.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=286.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=286.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=286.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=286.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=286.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=286.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=286.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=286.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=286.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=286.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=286.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=286.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=286.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=286.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=286.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=287.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=287.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=287.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=287.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=287.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=287.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=287.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=287.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=287.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=287.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=287.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=287.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=287.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=287.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=287.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=287.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=287.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=287.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=287.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=287.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=287.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=287.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=287.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=287.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=287.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=287.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=287.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=287.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=287.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=287.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=287.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=287.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=287.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=287.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=287.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=287.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=287.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=287.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=288.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=288.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=288.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=288.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=288.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=288.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=288.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=288.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=288.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=288.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=288.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=288.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=288.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=288.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=288.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=288.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=288.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=288.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=288.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=288.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=288.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=288.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=288.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=288.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=288.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=288.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=288.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=288.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=288.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=288.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=288.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=288.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=288.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=288.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=288.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=288.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=288.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=288.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=289.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=289.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=289.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=289.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=289.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=289.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=289.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=289.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=289.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=289.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=289.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=289.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=289.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=289.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=289.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=289.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=289.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=289.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=289.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=289.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=289.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=289.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=289.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=289.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=289.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=289.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=289.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=289.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=289.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=289.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=289.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=289.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=289.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=289.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=289.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=289.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=289.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=289.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=290.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=290.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=290.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=290.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=290.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=290.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=290.) *** MESSAGE [dcpam_jupiter_case00] *** Restart data => "dcpam_jupiter_restart.nc" (time=417590., 417600. min) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=290.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=290.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=290.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=290.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=290.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=290.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=290.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=290.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=290.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=290.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=290.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=290.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=290.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=290.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=290.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=290.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=290.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=290.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=290.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=290.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=290.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=290.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=290.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=290.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=290.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=290.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=290.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=290.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=290.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=290.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=290.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=291.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=291.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=291.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=291.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=291.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=291.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=291.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=291.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=291.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=291.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=291.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=291.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=291.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=291.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=291.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=291.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=291.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=291.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=291.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=291.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=291.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=291.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=291.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=291.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=291.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=291.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=291.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=291.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=291.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=291.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=291.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=291.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=291.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=291.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=291.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=291.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=291.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=291.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=292.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=292.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=292.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=292.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=292.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=292.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=292.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=292.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=292.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=292.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=292.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=292.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=292.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=292.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=292.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=292.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=292.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=292.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=292.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=292.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=292.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=292.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=292.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=292.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=292.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=292.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=292.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=292.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=292.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=292.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=292.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=292.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=292.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=292.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=292.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=292.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=292.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=292.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=293.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=293.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=293.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=293.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=293.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=293.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=293.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=293.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=293.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=293.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=293.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=293.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=293.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=293.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=293.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=293.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=293.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=293.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=293.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=293.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=293.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=293.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=293.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=293.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=293.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=293.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=293.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=293.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=293.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=293.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=293.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=293.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=293.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=293.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=293.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=293.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=293.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=293.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=294.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=294.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=294.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=294.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=294.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=294.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=294.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=294.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=294.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=294.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=294.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=294.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=294.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=294.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=294.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=294.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=294.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=294.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=294.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=294.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=294.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=294.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=294.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=294.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=294.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=294.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=294.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=294.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=294.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=294.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=294.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=294.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=294.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=294.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=294.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=294.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=294.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=294.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=295.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=295.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=295.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=295.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=295.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=295.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=295.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=295.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=295.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=295.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=295.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=295.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=295.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=295.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=295.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=295.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=295.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=295.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=295.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=295.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=295.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=295.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=295.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=295.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=295.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=295.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=295.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=295.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=295.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=295.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=295.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=295.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=295.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=295.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=295.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=295.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=295.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=295.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=296.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=296.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=296.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=296.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=296.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=296.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=296.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=296.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=296.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=296.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=296.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=296.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=296.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=296.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=296.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=296.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=296.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=296.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=296.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=296.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=296.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=296.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=296.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=296.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=296.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=296.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=296.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=296.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=296.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=296.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=296.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=296.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=296.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=296.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=296.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=296.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=296.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=296.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=297.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=297.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=297.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=297.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=297.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=297.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=297.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=297.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=297.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=297.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=297.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=297.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=297.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=297.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=297.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=297.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=297.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=297.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=297.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=297.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=297.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=297.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=297.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=297.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=297.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=297.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=297.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=297.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=297.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=297.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=297.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=297.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=297.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=297.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=297.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=297.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=297.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=297.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=298.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=298.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=298.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=298.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=298.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=298.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=298.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=298.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=298.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=298.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=298.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=298.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=298.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=298.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=298.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=298.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=298.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=298.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=298.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=298.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=298.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=298.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=298.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=298.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=298.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=298.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=298.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=298.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=298.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=298.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=298.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=298.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=298.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=298.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=298.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=298.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=298.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=298.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=299.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=299.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=299.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=299.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=299.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=299.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=299.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtCooling" => "DTempDtCooling.nc" (time=299.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtSpoDamping" => "DUDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=299.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtSpoDamping" => "DVDtSpoDamping.nc" (time=299.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "UFluxJp" => "UFluxJp.nc" (time=299.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "VFluxJp" => "VFluxJp.nc" (time=299.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "TempFluxJp" => "TempFluxJp.nc" (time=299.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVapFluxJp" => "QVapFluxJp.nc" (time=299.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadLFluxJp" => "RadLFluxJp.nc" (time=299.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "RadSFlux" => "RadSFlux.nc" (time=299.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadL" => "DTempDtRadL.nc" (time=299.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtRadS" => "DTempDtRadS.nc" (time=299.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DUDtJp" => "DUDtJp.nc" (time=299.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DVDtJp" => "DVDtJp.nc" (time=299.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtJp" => "DTempDtJp.nc" (time=299.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtJp" => "DQVapDtJp.nc" (time=299.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "SigmaDot" => "SigmaDot.nc" (time=299.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPiDt" => "DPiDt.nc" (time=299.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtFixed" => "DTempDtFixed.nc" (time=299.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DQVapDtFixed" => "DQVapDtFixed.nc" (time=299.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Rain" => "Rain.nc" (time=299.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "CumulusRain" => "CumulusRain.nc" (time=299.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "LscRain" => "LscRain.nc" (time=299.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DNegQVapDt" => "DNegQVapDt.nc" (time=299.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscTempDt" => "DCumLscTempDt.nc" (time=299.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumLscQVapDt" => "DCumLscQVapDt.nc" (time=299.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusTempDt" => "DCumulusTempDt.nc" (time=299.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscTempDt" => "DLscTempDt.nc" (time=299.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DCumulusQVapDt" => "DCumulusQVapDt.nc" (time=299.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DLscQVapDt" => "DLscQVapDt.nc" (time=299.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DTempDtDryConv" => "DTempDtDryConv.nc" (time=299.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "DPsDt" => "DPsDt.nc" (time=299.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "U" => "U.nc" (time=300.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "V" => "V.nc" (time=300.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Vor" => "Vor.nc" (time=300.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Div" => "Div.nc" (time=300.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Temp" => "Temp.nc" (time=300.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "QVap" => "QVap.nc" (time=300.) *** MESSAGE [HistoryPutDoubleEx] *** "Ps" => "Ps.nc" (time=300.) *** MESSAGE [dcpam_jupiter_case00] *** Restart data => "dcpam_jupiter_restart.nc" (time=431990., 432000. min) ########## PREDICTION OF CALCULATION ########### Start Date 2008-06-09T02:06:20-09:00 Current Date 2008-06-09T04:29:43-09:00 Progress 100.00% [*************************] Remaining CPU TIME 0.000000E+00 Completion Date 2008-06-09T04:29:43-09:00 *** MESSAGE [HistoryClose] *** "U.nc" is closed *** MESSAGE [HistoryClose] *** "V.nc" is closed *** MESSAGE [HistoryClose] *** "Temp.nc" is closed *** MESSAGE [HistoryClose] *** "Ps.nc" is closed *** MESSAGE [HistoryClose] *** "QVap.nc" is closed *** MESSAGE [HistoryClose] *** "Vor.nc" is closed *** MESSAGE [HistoryClose] *** "Div.nc" is closed *** MESSAGE [HistoryClose] *** "dcpam_jupiter_restart.nc" is closed ############## CPU TIME SUMMARY ################ Setup 0.197000E+01 HistoryGet 0.193382E+00 HistoryPut 0.787047E+03 (13.12 minutes) Dynamics 0.109348E+04 (18.22 minutes) Physics 0.578688E+04 (1.61 hrs.) TimeFilter 0.423812E+02 ------------------------------------------------ TOTAL TIME = 0.771195E+04 (2.14 hrs.)